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Freddie, John, Brian and Roger made their way into the pub. They had just finished their music tour and wanted some down time after all the hard work.

"I'll buy the first round" Brian said, "what will it be then boys?"

"Champagne! Brian I always have champagne, you should know that" Freddie tutted

"I'll 'av what you're having Bri, I'm not fussy" Roger plonked himself down at a seat

John sat down beside him, "I'll have the same as Freddie" He looked over to Freddie who was now sat next to him. The look of love was obvious between them

"Oh you two get a room" Brian joked before going to the bar to get the drinks

"I'm off to talk to that girl" Roger pointed over to a group of well dressed women

That left Freddie and John at the table.

"You were amazing on that tour" John smiled to Freddie

"Thank you dear, you were too!" Freddie put his hand on John's thigh

John leaned in to whisper something in Freddie's ear. John's breath on the back of Freddie's neck gave him a small shudder.

"I love you" John whispered

"How much?" Freddie bit his bottom lip seductively

"So much more than words can describe" John smiled sweetly

"Well, in that case, I love you too" Freddie gave John a small peck on the cheek, making sure nobody saw

Brian came back over with the drinks. He sat himself next to Freddie, on the end of the booth.

"Where's Roger?" He looked over at the empty space next to John

"Chatting up some girl" John explained

"Of course he is" Brian rolled his eyes, what else did he expect from the blonde?

The boy's attention was caught by a group of burly men walking into the pub. They noticed they all had blue football shirts on.

"They must have come from the stadium down the road" John said

"Hmm" Brian hummed before setting his attention on his beer

"Oh dear" Freddie said

"What's up?" John asked

"There's more" Freddie pointed over to another group of men, this time wearing red football shirts

"They don't look too happy" Brian said

"They probably lost the game" John muttered

"Maybe" Freddie examined the room

"I'm going to get Roger" John said

Roger was the only one in the group who really knew anything about football. John didn't want him to say something that will annoy the men and get beaten up. Roger had a habit of frustrating people when he's drunk.

John stood up and began to walk before he felt his hand being pulled back. He turned his head and saw his love, Freddie, holding him back.

"Come on Fred I have to get Roger!" John groaned

"Not before you give me a kiss" Freddie puckered his lips

"Freddie let go!" John whined

"I simply can't" Freddie shook his head

"Fine" John surrendered. He crouched down and planted a soft kiss on Freddie's lips, "can I go now?"

"If you must" Freddie smirked

John went over to the group of girls and Roger. The drummer had a big smile on his face due to the amount of female attention he was getting.

"Roger, come with me a sec, Brian wanted to talk to you" John lied, he just wanted his friend away from the football fans

"Who's your friend Roger?" One girl asked

"He's cute" another said

"He's gay, he's not interested" Roger said before he got up and followed John

"Roger!" I whisper-yelled

"What?" Roger said, knowing exactly what

Our attention was lost by a crash coming from behind us. As suspected, a fight had started between the football supporters. Roger then saw a guy duck away from a punch and a fist was making its way towards John.

"John!" Roger screamed. He knew the punch that was meant for the other guy was a big one. It knocked John out completely as he fell on the cold floor.

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