Chapter 3

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I decide to take my drawing of Kai to school today. Hopefully my art teacher takes some notice of it and AT LEAST praises me.

As I get off the bus, I feel his presence. Although he is just a drawing inside my bag, it feels like he's right next to me.

Before I enter the school building, I check to make sure the drawing is still in my bag. It would be a total nightmare if I lost it. Or him, should I say.

Yep. He's safe and sound.

I notice my art teacher walking just a few metres away from me.

"Wait! Sir! I have to show you something!" I yell after him, realising that everyone is staring at me.

He turns around and glares at me, clearly not really pleased to see me. But his frown suddenly changes into a strained smile.

"What is it Hannah?" He says.

I carefully take out my drawing and hold it proudly infront of him.

He gasps. Everyone gasps.

"Oh my. Did you draw that yourself, Hannah?" He says, clearly shocked with my amazing skills.

"Yes. I drew it yesterday. And I painted it myself." I say, proudly.

"It looks amazing. Good job." He says. "I'm afraid I have to attend a meeting with the principal now, see you later at art. And hopefully you will draw something as good as this." He says, walking away.

As soon as he is gone, everyone crowds around me.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Someone sniggers.

I blush. I wish he was.

"Damn he's sexy as hell. He can't be your boyfriend, surely." I hear the voice of Melissa, the school's "Queen Bee".

"That's so true, Melissa. She's so ugly that even slugs would run away from her!" I hear someone else say.

And as soon as that person said that, everyone around me started laughing, sniggering and pointing at me.

I've had enough.

I hate this school.

I hate everyone at this school.

I hate everyone except Kai. He's the only one who makes me happy.

Authors note:
So I guess this book didn't do well then, as I expected :/
Those 5 reads are probably from me lmaooo
Anyways I like writing it so I'll continue to do so, even if this doesn't get any good reads ;w;

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