No Time To Loose...

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Dr. Joseph and the rest of his small village collected all their technology and gave it to the Doctor.  For nearly an hour he tinkered away making everything, something the people of Home could use to fight the Cybermen. He glanced at Katie "it's not easy is it? Thinking you know just what to do and then at the height of it loosing it." He started handing the things out giving instructions on each item and how to use them.

  "Doctor, I'm sorry I really was just trying to help." Katie felt her legs go numb. "Its worn off already my five seconds of glory." She snikered a bit. "Let me help." She ripped her skirt and grabbed The Doctor's injured wrist and slowly wrapped it. She looked into the eyes of the Doctor and for a second she felt strange. "So whats the plan...I thought I had?" She smiled as she let his hand go.

  "Well... I've rigged evey item of technology to send out a sonic signal. One that only will effect the Cybermen. It should send them running back to thier ship and away. Good thing about Cybermen is they usally don't return to places with this kind of sonic pulse. It interferes to much with their technology and they don't like it. Katie you did the right thing.  I'm glad you weren't tempted to take their offer." He patted her leg. "Your not done yet though.  I still need you to act as cyberleader. Get them to stand down long enough for the village to surround them. Can you do that for me?"

  "Yes Doctor!" She agreed and not a moment to soon. The Cybermen were approaching. Their stomps shock the ground and was like a steady wave of thunder getting louder the closer they got. Katie turned towards them as half the village went around hiding behind them. "HALT STOP STAND DOWN I HAVE CAPTURED THE VILLAGE AND THEY WILL BE UPGRADED! LET DR.JOSEPH ROUND THE REST UP FOR POSSESSING!" She shouted in the most cold and frightening way, that even almost had The Doctor fooled.

  "Now! Now do it now!" The Doctor yelled. All the villagers pointed their make shift sonic pulses at the Cybermen.  The Cybermen began holding their heads on yelled out for them to retreat and soon they were all running clunking the ground. With in minutes the sound of rockets and they broke through the ground and were gone. The village of Home began cheering and running to the Doctor, but he put up his hand. "Stop! Its This young lady you should be thanking I only helped. It was her bravery and stubbornness that saved you." He smiled as the people picked her up chair and all. The small children kissed her cheek and hugged her. He thought it was cute hiw she blushed.

   "Doctor..." Joseph started saying. "She could still walk I still have what she needs"

  "No. What she needs is to discover herself." The Doctor said. 'And I need to discover who she is too. Theres something about her' "ok Katie you ready to go?"

  Katie looked up at him. "Yea I'm ready." They left the village and headed back to the Tardis.  As soon as they reached her, they went inside.

  "Katie you could have been killed and I wouldn't have liked that. Even though you can be a handful I like you." Oh that smile of his came back. "Lets get you home."

  Katie smiled then looked down. She didn't want to go home ever, but she knew she'd blown it.

   The Doctor looked at the scanner twenty five percent complete.  He'd buy some time he need to. 'KatSong he though you can hear cats talk to you and understand every language hmmm let me see' he spoke something in ancient Gallifreyan.  He saw a look on her face like she knew what he said. Then she answered.

  "My watch says 7:35 pm why?"

The puzzle was begging to unfold. Who she was, was becoming clear.... and he still wasn't sure wether he wanted it to be her or not.

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