Page Sixty-Two; And So it Comes

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Brooke woke early the next morning, spending a bit longer than usual to get herself ready for the day. Outside her Pokemon Center room window, she could hear people down below cheering and getting excited for the Maroh League. It was starting today. What Brooke had been waiting for all this time was finally within reach, and it filled her with nerves and excitement. Now was her time. She wasn't going to let anything stand in her way of becoming the Maroh League Champion, just like she'd been dreaming about since she got here. 

She finished brushing her hair in the mirror, and took a deep breath, looking at her reflection. "Are you ready, Lukas?" She looked down at him, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Ummbre!" 

"Good. Today's the big day. The first round. We've gotta go right in and get the gold." 

"Bre! Umbreon! Umbre!" 

"Right. Let's head out, I'm sure the others are waiting for me." But, before leaving, she unwrapped the bandages from her arm and showed off her burn scar. This was something Charlie had told her to be proud of. It was a symbol of her bond with her pokemon, and not just Solomon. 

They walked out of the Pokemon Center to see Jordan, Logan, and Charlie there waiting for them. Jordan was in his Pokemon Ranger Cadet uniform. "Hello all." She smiled. "You ready to register, Brookie?" Jordan asked. She nodded. "You bet! I'm ready to get this started. This is what we've been waiting for this whole time." 

They finally found their way to the large stadium in the city that was crowded with people filtering into the stadium, and trainers registering with their pokemon, and news crews getting every moment. They reached a registering table, and Brooke handed over her badges and trainer ID, and they gave her a bracelet to let everyone know when, and against whom she would be competing. "Brooke!" She turned and smiled when she saw Alex and Emil coming towards them. "Hi Alex! Hey Emil! How are you? I haven't seen you since the Masquerin Ball."

"Right! I'm glad to see you've gotten your final gym badges. I knew you'd end up here. Why don't you follow me? I want to introduce you to some people. But, the others can't come, I'm sorry." 

"Okay!" She turned to her friends. "Why don't you two get somewhere nice to sit and watch the battles? I'll meet up with you guys after the battles are all over today."

"I can't sit with you guys, either. I'm stationed up near the top of the stadium for security. Good luck, Brookie!" 

"Sure thing! Good luck, Brooke!" 

"See you later! Kick some butt!" 

"Bye, guys!" She waved goodbye and they disappeared into the crowd, and she turned to follow Alex and Emil through the crowd, occasionally being stopped by fans for a picture or autograph from Alex. 

They stopped in an elevator and Alex pressed a button for the top floor. "What are you showing me?" 

"I'm taking you to the special box shared by all the gym leaders and elite four members. I want to introduce you to the Elite Four of Maroh." 

"Really? That's awesome! Thank you, Alex! Is Trydan there?" 

"Ah, yes, he should be here by now. Is he one of the gym leaders you defeated?" 

"Yes, and he's my father." 

"Trydan is your Dad? How come you never told me?" Alex asked as they reached the floor. "It's a long story." Brooke shrugged and the doors opened. They were met with a luxurious lounge with large glass windows that lead outside to the viewing deck. There was a bar with food and drinks, and TVs that showed coverage of the League by a major sports channel. 

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