What the fuck is happening

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Several of the E Class students gather around Sugino's desk.

"Yesterday's Drama festival was fun , wasn't it ?" Nagisa said.

"Sugino gave a really enthusiastic performance, huh ?" Sugaya exclaimed.

" I didn't know he could make such an evil face." Hazama put in.

Sugino rested his chin on his desk , defeated expression on his face."I tried too hard thinking about co-starring with Kanzaki." He moved his head so it was all the way facedown. "She probably hates me after seeing my face like that , though." he whined.

"That's not duo Sugino-kun ," Kanazaki told him kindly , smiling. "I thought it was really cool that you could act."

Sugino's head immediately shot up from the desk. "SERIOUSLY ?! WOW , MAYBA I OUGHTTA RETIRE FROM BASEBALL AND PURSUE ACTING !" He smiled widely , the blush on his cheeks obvious.

"No need to pick one or the other." His head turned to look at Korosensei. "I'm happy to see my students show unexpected talents."

Nagisa looked towards the entrance of the classroom. Kayano poked her head through the doorway , smiling kindly but nervously. She motioned for him to come over , giving a short laugh.

Nagisa blinked. "Hm."

Nagisa followed Kayano out to the storage shed , unknown to them Karma was watching carefully like a gawk. The familiar pair of mercury shone in the dark , eyeing the back of a certain greenette. "She's making her moves...."

The screen flashed inside the shield.

"Aw, man," Nagisa said , sighing. "That's gonna be a pain to clean up."

"Yeah , I was putting stuff away and my hand slipped. Sorry ," Kayano said apologetically. "These  are the beads we used for the river in our play." Nagisa turned to her. "I got them loan from a prop supply store."

"No worries," he reassure her. "We'll tackle it together."

"Thanks , Nagisa !" Kayano smiled brightly.

They began to sweep the beads into dustpans to dump them back into the box. Kayano said to Nagisa, "I didn't want to get in the way of everybody's assassination plan , so , y'know..."

"Aha !" Korosensei's voice was heard from the entrance of the shed. Nagisa and Kayano turned to look at him. "I was wondering where the pair of you suddenly disappear to."

Kayano laughed sheepishly.

Korosensei quickly got to work , shoveling handfuls of beads into a buckets at March 20. Suddenly he stopped and turned towards his two students. "Something smells fishy."

"Oh , during the school festival , we used this place to smoke fish," Kayano immediately answered. She kneeled and held a dustpan as Nagisa swept some more beads into it. "So many school events," she said to him.

"Uh-uh , no kidding," Nagisa responded. "Feels weird. Once this cleared up , they'll all be behind us."

"Yeah , lots of memories , though , huh ? Makes me think of the first time Korosensei showed up here."

Various moments from Karma's first day flashed across the screen. "Remember how when Karma came ?"

"He's insane... he cut off three tentacles from Korosensei !"

"Yeah ," Kayano beamed. "Be even save most of us , he's really awesome at everything."

Nagisa smiled softly "Yeah. He's really amazing , he suffer through so much and yet he's still here." He stare down at the ground with the smile still glued to his face. "I really want to be strong like him...."

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