four - Destiny & Emily

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"Des, wake up! The boys have asked me if we wanted to have breakfast with them. Hurry up!"

Emily was jumping on my bed happily, but I was having a hangover. Unfortunately, it wasn't one those where you forget everything that has happened. Of course I still remembered Louis and me dancing and how we almost kissed although he is dating Eleanor. I still see pictures of Liam and I in my head. Wasn't I the one who said playing truth or dare would be stupid because of that? Why did Liam just leave without a word?

"Do we really need to go there?", I asked her annoyed by the fact that I wasn't feeling well.

"Yes, we do. Or is there someone you don't want to see?"

"No, no, it's alright. I'm just tired but I get ready now, don't worry."

"Good because Zayn will be here in half an hour. He loves to sleep just like you so Harry and I will be going right now. See you then."

She only talked about Harry and Zayn so I didn't need to see Louis or Liam. I reached for big sunglasses so no one would see how bad I actually look.

"So, you're finally awake?", Zayn welcomed me happily, when I sat down on the passenger's seat.

"Emily forced me to. I thought you'd love to sleep until noon as well?"

"I do. But we have a surprise for you two today. I won't tell you no matter how often you ask."

After we have found a parking lot near to the café we saw the others waiting there already. Of course, I was wrong. Not only Harry and my sister were there. I was lucky to see not only Louis - who wore sunglasses just like me -, Liam and Niall - who I actually liked to see - but also some girls.

"Morning", I muttered not being really happy with the situation.

Zayn was quiet and took the place next to the blond girl and I chose to sit besides Niall who I considered to be my friend.

"Still tired today?", Harry laughed at me.

"Haz, don't get her down even more, we should introduce you to the girls. Sister, these are Perrie, the girlfriend of Zayn and Eleanor, the girlfriend of Lou."

I looked from one girl to the other but didn't say a thing. Great, now I meet the girlfriends. Louis and I almost cheated on one of those lovely girls and now I get to know them. I'm horrible.. and tired.

"Don't you want to say something?", Liam of all people asked me and if I didn't wear sunglasses, I swear my looks would have made him silent.

"Yeah, I need to go to the toilet."

The boys chuckled lightly and I stood up, when I remembered that I actually wanted to be friendlier. Especially regarding the fact that the girls looked so nice and have nothing done to me. It's actually the other way around.

"I'm sorry you two. I'm just tired, haven't slept a lot. I'm Destiny and it's nice to meet you. The boys have talked so much about you", I handled the situation deftly.

Both of them had a big smile on their faces and reached for the hand that I gave them accepting my apology. So I could finally go to the toilet. When I came out of the toilets, Liam stood in front of me.

"What do you want?"

"Why would you be so mean to them? You have no reason to be unfriendly."

"Why would you care about that? We only know each other for one day so you don't ned to follow me to the toilets and tell me what's wrong and what's right! Yes, I was behaving unfriendly but I apologized and your happy world stays the same. No need to worry about anything."

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