Time travel Chapter 17

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(Zane's P.O.V)

Tigeret look out I said as I grabbed her to pull her out of the but the shot hit me and tigeret we were knocked out. When we woke up we weren't in pairs anymore we were in grass I looked around and saw a very familiar building. Rylie saw the building and said Zane were back in america I looked at Rylie and asked her how she knew and she said that's are old elementary school. We detransformed and walked to the building kids were on the play ground we walked past them and into the building. We went into the office and asked we were about to ask if we could use a phone to call for a ride the principle walked out and it was Mr.Card. Me and Rylie looked at each other Mr.card retired when me and Rylie went into the fith grade.

Me and Rylie walked out of the building and I said we went back in time because Mr.Card retired I then saw the digital clock in the window that also told the us the date. Today was October 21st 2011 my 8th birthday I looked at Rylie and said do you remember what happened today once she saw the date she shook her head yes and Rylie promised to never tell another living being what happened today. We ran off the school property and transformed and went onto the schools roof the bell rang and kids started running outside. They didn't see us me and Rylie sat their waiting we knew what was going to happen so we had to be ready to strike. 

We sat their for a couple minutes when the akumitized victim came through a portal near the play ground me and Rylie jumped into action. They screamed I am Traveler now were are Tigeret and Fang. Kids started running but two one stood their in a fighting stance well the other tried to pull them away. Tigeret distract Traveler I'll take care of the kids I said I then ran to the two kids and looked one dead in the eyes. I then said Zane, Rylie we need to get you out of here my younger self said Rylie run she did and my younger self ran towards Traveler. Tigeret we got company I grabbed my younger self and my transformation just dropped for no reason I ran my younger self over to the other kids and Traveler followed. My younger self tried to attack but Tigeret jumped into action I looked at my younger self and said stop Zane you could get killed out their. He looked at me and said so what I pulled him over to another area and said Zane I know that your life is hard but let me tell you something it gets a lot easier and how I know is because I am you from the future. That girl fighting along side me is Rylie he looked at me and said I don't believe that your me one bit. Zane their is one secret you won't tell anyone not even your best friend that secret is your scars he looked at me and said you are me. Zane please a lot will happen in your life just please don't end it everything I've done will be lost please don't I replied. I then turned around and yelled Emerald Claws On remember Zane things will get easier now remember stay strong no matter what after I said that I ran to help tigeret. 

Tigeret use your power now she did and then I used my powers and me and her went home when we did I saw Ladybug and Chatnoir looking for us. I yelled their names and Marinette came running over to me and hugged me we explained what happened to us and they both looked shocked. Rylie looked at me and said you actually told your younger self that your him from the future I shook my head yes and she laughed but also I remembered when my older self told me about the future. But I was glad that everything was back to normal for now and that I could rest for a little bit. 

(Thank you all so much for reading this chapter of protecting the princess and remember stay positive and don't get akumitized)

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