"Are you okay?" He asked me. His face falling emotionless.

I shook my head no.

"Why Harry?" I asked him even though I knew he had no clue. I burst out in tears having an emotional breakdown. Harry leaned over the seat and hugged me, as I cried in his shoulder probably ruining his shirt.

After about five mintues later I calmed down.

"You ready to go get her?" Harry asked me.

"Yea." I answered.

Me and Harry got out of our rental car. Hand and hand we walked towards the elementry entrance. We opened the door and walked into the office.

The secretary was on the phone and put a finger up to us signaling she needed a minute. Once she got off the phone she looked up and stared at us. The woman looked to be in her late 60s with her hair pinned up in a bun. The woman gave us a small smile.

"So, what do you two need?" The woman asked us, a kind smile resting on her dark red lips.

"Um, we need to get.." I started unsure of how to word it. The woman looked at us expectantly.

""We need to get our daughter Sydney Vick out of school early today." Harry explained to her, lying. To be honest I'm tired of lying, but it must be done.

"Aw, you're both British!? I love your accents. You two are parents? You look so young." The woman suddenly exclaimed her southern accent getting stronger. She grinned and put her hands to her face in excitement.

"Thank you, I love your accent also." I responded making her blush.

"Thank you. Now sorry but I forgot, what's your child's name?" The woman asked us.

"Sydney Ann Vick." Harry responded with a proud grin.

"Wait..." The woman suddenly said, her smile faltering.

Me and Harry snapped our necks quickly in each other's direction. We both had worried glances on our faces.

"What's wrong?" I asked the woman.

"Sydney is in the principals office currently. She's gotten herself in trouble." The woman muttered in a sad tone.

"Trouble? Our Sydney?" Harry suddenly asked the woman.

"Yes, sadly she punched another kid in the face. The other little girl was teasing Sydney about her accent and Sydney just punched Olivia. To be honest with you I think the little brat, Olivia deserved it. That child ain't ever gonna mess with anyone else." The woman said with a twinkle of proudness in her eyes.

Harry grinned which made me smile. I'm proud that she stood up for herself, but she also didn't need to hit that little girl... Well maybe she did?

"Sydney is just as kind and wonderful as you two. You've raised her right." The woman told us.

Just as I was about to respond , the office door flew open and a little girl with a black eye stormed out angrily. The little girl ran out of the main door into the hallway. Seconds later Sydney came strolling out of the principals office with a smile, her smile soonly vanished once she saw me and Harry.

"Hey mum..." Sydney said in a weak voice. She's probably confused right now.

Sydney looked over at Harry unsure of what to call him.

"C'mere Sydney." I told her with a small smile. She carefully walked over to where me and Harry are standing.

"Me and Daddy are proud that you stood up for yourself." I told her, looking towards Harry when I said Daddy so she got what he was to her. Harry nodded at her with a cheeky smile.

She's our bodyguard?!?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang