Chu Jian suddenly pushed him away.

Jian Bianlin allowed himself to follow the momentum of this action and pull away from her. A light breeze blew by. Their lips felt chilly.

Her hand was still clasping his jacket zipper, and her body felt a little weak. She had forgotten even what embarrassment was and merely felt dazed, unable to produce even the slightest sound.

Chu Jian...

Jian Bianlin wanted to say something to make the atmosphere between them even better, but after remaining there frozen for a dozen or so seconds, he still had not come up with a decent thing to say...

© 2013-2016 FANATICAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for If you are not reading this from, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Luckily, the mobile phone in Chu Jian's pocket rang.

Nibbling on her lower lip, Chu Jian lowered her head, dawdlingly pulled the phone out, and set it beside her ear. "Hello?"

"Chu Jian." It was Uncle Jian's voice. Her heart rate jumped a few levels before she answered with an "mm-hmm." On the other end of the line, the voice said with a chuckle, "Uncle is secretly telling you this. I saw Xu Jing today, you know, the person that Jian Bianlin beat up quite severely in high school. Does he like you?"

"Huh?" Chu Jian paused blankly. This... How had the topic managed to come to this?

"He specially came to see me. He also said that he wanted to contact you and got your phone number from me. So, I asked him, 'What do you need her number for?' He gave me a vague answer, saying it's been so many years and you are both adults now, so he's just keeping in contact since you two were high school classmates, after all." Uncle Jian's tone was practically like he was marrying off his own daughter. "That lad has such a good temper. So, I gave him your phone number. You don't have a boyfriend anyway, so just talk and socialize with him a bit. Who knows? Maybe you'll make some relatives by marriage from this."


Given that she and Jian Bianlin were standing at such a close distance and Uncle Jian certainly was speaking with more than ample breath support, it was impossible for Jian Bianlin not to hear, unless he was hard of hearing...

Chu Jian truly wished she could help this phone call to "accidentally" drop...

In front of her, the man who was holding her with one arm did not utter a word. Putting his face mask on once more, he pulled the brim of his cap slightly lower, released his arm's hold on her, and turned, about to walk away. Chu Jian hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed his sleeve while saying into her phone, "Uncle, next time please don't hand out my phone number so easily to someone. It's such a hassle. I still have a meeting here that I need to get to, so I'm going to hang up first. Take care of yourself."

Uncle Jian answered with an "Oh, oh, yes, yes," and then cheerily ended the call.

"Don't go," Chu Jian blurted.

Pausing his steps, Jian Bianlin lowered his head to look at her hand that was grasping his sleeve.

"Jian Ge—" His assistant had actually arrived with the driver for a long time already, and after bearing through the wait for the two to finish with their snuggling, he only now dared to open his mouth and call them into the car. However, when he took another closer look and noticed that there clearly was something not quite right with the atmosphere, he pulled his head back and tried to inconspicuously hide himself away again. "There's no hurry! Take your time talking!"

My Darling (我的曼达林)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن