"No, w-wait. You don't understand!" Xiyeon begged. "He's crazy." Xiyeon began to stutter and ramble as she tried to explain her situation.

The woman sighed again, glancing over her shoulder before slipping Xiyeon a card. She looked back at Xiyeon. "He'll be here any moment. We need to get this taken care of." The woman looked down at the floor.

Xiyeon nodded slowly as she were guided back to the bed. She sat with a blank expression as she zoned out. What type of hospital is this!?

The card had a number and some type of address written on it, no name, no anything. Just a number and an address.

Xiyeon was sure the doctor was saying something, but she didn't care. All she could think about was what Jimin would do once he found out she tried to escape.

Even while getting her cut cleaned and bandaged she didn't move a muscle.

The door opened and Xiyeon's head snapped toward it. A male doctor entered and began to speak to the other woman.

Xiyeon sighed. It felt like the calm before the storm. Her palms began to sweat as she imagined facing Jimin.

"Excuse me..? Miss, are you okay?" The female doctor returned yet again, placing a hand onto her shoulder.

Xiyeon flinched. "Huh? O-Oh. I'm fine. Why?"

"Is there a reason why you're crying?" The doctor's face showed genuine concern.

"Crying? I'm not-" Xiyeon touched her cheek, wiping away the tears she didn't realize were falling. "I'm sorry." Xiyeon looked down at her wet hand.

"Don't apologize." The doctor handed her a tissue.

Xiyeon chewed the inside of her bottom lip as she felt the eyes of the doctor burning holes throughout her.

"If you don't mind me asking...what's the relationship between you and Sir Park?"

Sir..? Who's side is she on?

"He's my boyfriend." Xiyeon nodded with a blush. What a lie. Why am I lying for him?

"Are you sure?" The doctor moved a bit closer. "You can tell me the truth. I...can help you."

Xiyeon looked at her with wide eyes. Does she know?

"No...no, honestly he is." Xiyeon nodded with a nervous forced smile. She was too afraid he'd find out to say anything.

"Don't let him know you were crying." The doctor said before walking out of the room.

Xiyeon raised an eyebrow, wiping her tears away.

Xiyeon looked down at the card again.
She crumbled the paper up knowing it would only get her in even more trouble.

She returned to her original position, staring directly at the blank wall. Her anxiety was getting even higher now. She was truly trapped here.

The door opened again, and he entered. Xiyeon's chest began to rise and fall as her heart pounded. Jimin's eyes had dark circles as if he'd been up all night, his hair looked messy and his clothes fit loosely.

Waves of fear ran over her body as he scanned the room before stopping on her. Their eyes met and Xiyeon gulped.

She sat completely still, too afraid to move. One wrong move, and he'd snap. A million confused thoughts going through her head.

"Xiyeon!" Jimin rushed over to her bed, filling the gap between the two and pulling Xiyeon into his arms. Xiyeon was shaking as she stood in his embrace.

Whispering apology after apology into her ear, Jimin slowly stroked her hair.

Xiyeon was wide eyed and silent.

"How do you feel? Does anything hurt!?" Jimin cupped her face in his hands. "I'm so sorry for doing this to you angel. Please forgive me."

Xiyeon opened her mouth to speak but the only thing that came out was a shaky breath.

Jimin smiled, "pretty~." He spoke in a sing song voice.

"Does t-that mean you aren't...m‐mad?" She spoke softly, almost a whisper.

"Mad?" Jimin laughed softly as he buried his face into her neck. An action that oddly filled Xiyeon's stomach with butterflies.

"How could I stay mad at my princess?" Jimin exclaimed, lifting Xiyeon up, causing her to slightly flinch. He handled her as if she might break.

"Shall we go home now?" He finalized, softly kissing her cheek.

Xiyeon nodded subtly as she blushed.


Xiyeon fiddled with her brace on the drive back home. She'd never been to a hospital like that, something totally felt off about it.

She tried to look around at her surroundings to figure out where she was, but Jimin practically watched her every move. Why was he ordering the doctors around like that? Why did she give me this..phone number and adress?

Xiyeon looked down at the card, reading the address once or twice.

Xiyeon found herself glancing at Jimin every second or so, admiring him. Did something about him change?

"Like what you see?" Jimin teased her.

Xiyeon began to blush. "I-I was just..." Why am I acting like this..?

"It's okay kitten. I don't mind." Jimin smirked, placing his hand on top of her thigh.

Jimin slowly traced small circles along her thigh. "I'm so glad you woke up.."

"Me too." Xiyeon ignored the goosebumps spreading across her skin.

Jimin pulled into the driveway, Xiyeon looked up at him then down at the card clutched in her hand.

"Hmm. What's this?" Jimin snatched the crumbled card from her hands.

"N-No!" Xiyeon tried to snatch it back, slightly hurting her wrist in the process.

"Sit still." He grabbed her hand and pushed it away. "Wouldn't want to get hurt..." his gaze felt cold.

Xiyeon froze, fear immediately coursing throughout her entire body. She sat back in her seat and stared at him in horror. Will this set him off!?

Jimin's expression changed in a matter of seconds as he looked at the card.

Her eyes teared up as Jimin slowly looked at her.

"Where...did you get this from?" His voice came out low and intimidating.

It was as if the happy Jimin had been replaced by a completely different person as he stared her down, waiting for an answer.

Careful What You Wish For × pjm✔️Where stories live. Discover now