Suka #75

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4. I am never a fan of order.

19. I don't sleep. Not a morning person.

16. A subnormal Bukowski madman.

7. I can actually cipher a song in minutes (guitar, piano). I'm proud of these ears, people.

14. I always wake up neighbors with classical music.

2. Had an epiphany last year that got me where I am. That moment involved blood and mud and my father's face.

6. I don't classify myself as a writer. Damn the word.

13. I love coffee! (Just wrote a poem about it!)

20. Never liked gatherings, all kinds of it. It's like an assembly of all ugly faces that talk ugly and walk ugly and laugh ugly. What a ruckus.

1. Dennis is my name, madness is my game. Euphoria!

8. Your first sentence when I ask you a question for the first time affects how I treat you for the rest of eternity.

9. Never a fan of geniuses. They're so smart, they couldn't make this world a better place. They sit their asses and formulate theories and talk at gatherings and sit again on their asses and receive their Nobels and give a speech then sit on their asses again and formulate theories and talk at gatherings then die and have the world make a day named after them.

11. Religionless for a year. My God is the personal kind.

3. Had two romantic relationships. No plans for more.

5. I trust people even if they screw it over and over again.

12. My books aren't for me really. I collect them for my future scions. With an "s".

10. What you've heard about me from other people isn't true. Take it that way from now on.

17. My dream is filmmaking.

15. I don't have any sense of money.

18. I was six when I said to myself I'll die young. I'm feeling it.

ISKRIBOL (Mga Suka ng Isang Bored na Otistik)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon