Chapter 2

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School was terrible yesterday like always. In PE I accidentally tripped over a football (don't ask how) and it hit a metal fence and cut my leg open. It wouldn't stop bleeding.

And the worst part of it all was...


I lay there sobbing and even our PE teacher didn't bother to come over and see if I was alright, or even send me to the nurse. No one came to help me up, so I had to struggle and walk to the nurse's office myself while blood trailed along my leg.

I'm glad it's half term now. I have 1 week off to enjoy myself.

~~~~~ at night (Hannah is dreaming right now) ~~~~~
He's here. That handsome boy. He's smiling at me once again. Who on earth is he?

He stretches out his hand. Should I hold it?

"Yes, you should". He instantly replies back with his beautiful voice.

*beep* *beep* *beep*
I scramble out of bed. My phone alarm is ringing which indicates that it's 7:00 am. Gosh I should of turned it off ages ago, I don't even need an alarm anymore. Well, for 1 week actually.

I stand up and yawn, stretching my thin arms. I look at myself in the mirror.
I don't know if I should describe myself as pretty or ugly. I guess I'm in the middle.

Suddenly a flashback of the same boy in my dreams lights up inside my head. His smile flashes at me.

I feel an imaginary lightbulb go off at the top of my head and a little 'ping' sound, similar to cartoons where the character thinks of an idea.

I take out a huge sheet of paper and lay it across my art canvas. I then take out a pencil and begin sketching the features of a handsome young boy, also known as the one who I see in my dreams.

****3 hours later****
He's finally done. I've done all the shading and the painting. He looks so beautiful, I wish he could just come alive.

I hug the drawing close to me.

"I guess I will call you 'Kai'." I whisper to the painting, not caring that it's just a painting and not a real person.

My dream boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now