Part Two - Chapter Eleven: Liverpool and Back Again

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Cassidy yawned climbing into her car, she had a long drive ahead of her and she knew that it was going to be a long day; the twins were spending the day with Lorena since Fernando was at training and she didn't want to take them on the long trip.

Cassidy was wearing a grey lace patterned top and slim jeans paired with camel western boots, she wanted to be comfortable for her trip since it was a eight hour round trip; Cassidy just hoped that everything was going to go to plan while she was gone.

Fernando thought that his fiancée was busy sorting things out for work since she was preparing to return, he had no idea what she really had planned especially because it was to do with his two dogs.

Cassidy had borrowed Fernando's Audi Q7 so that she could make the trip, she just hoped that nothing would happen that would ruin the surprise that she had for her fiancé; she knew that the paparazzi would be hovering around and following her.

Cassidy grinned as she popped in the CD that she had created for the trip, she knew that she needed something to listen to on her long trip since she doubted she'd have anyway to entertain herself with.

Cassidy grinned as she heard the first song started to play before she pulled away from Lorena's apartment block, she mouthed the words to the song wondering what Fernando would say when she surprised him with Pomo and Llanta. 


"You must be Cassidy," Alex Gerrard said as she opened the door to Cassidy, she smiled as she allowed her into her home; she had been surprised when she had heard from her husband that Fernando's fiancée was coming to collect the dogs.

"I am... it's nice to meet you," Cassidy replied politely taking in Alex's pregnant form, she knew that the couple had two children; Lilly-Ella and Lexie that Fernando had loved talking about the girls when he been at Chelsea for three months, she had a feeling that he had stopped because of his ex-wife.

Alex smiled as she led Cassidy into the living room, she ushered her to sit down; there was something refreshing about Cassidy that she hadn't seen in Olalla and it made her pleased that Fernando had finally found someone who made him happy.

The model could remember all the phone calls that Steven had gotten when Fernando wanted advice on proposing to Cassidy; the Spaniard had been so nervous that it had taken him months to prepare for what he had done.

"Steven's just with the girls... he promised to play with them," Alex said a smile forming on her face, she remembered what her husband had looked like when she had seen him an hour ago; Cassidy hoped that he would remember that they had a guest coming to visit.

The sound of someone coming downstairs made the two women look towards them before Steven Gerrard came into view.

Cassidy stifled a laugh as she stared at the Liverpool captain who was wearing make-up, she grinned as she shared a look with Alex; who looked like she wanted to laugh as well. 

"Steven this is Cassidy," Alex said as she held back from laughing, she was surprised that her daughters had managed to talk Steven into letting them do that to him; she knew that Lilly-Ella and Lexie loved playing make-up with their father and even more so when he could play with them.

"Cassidy it's nice to meet you... excuse the look," Steven said embarrassed that she had caught him like this, he had thought he'd have time to clean up before she arrived but clearly that wasn't the case.

Cassidy smiled as she swallowed back a laugh, she knew that the footballer hadn't been expecting her this early but she had left earlier than she had originally planned.

"Sorry if I'm a bit early," Cassidy said glancing at Alex who was fighting back laughter, she grinned as Steven cleared his throat as he tried to think about what he could say; he had never been caught in this situation before and he was completely embarrassed.

"Stevie... why don't you go and clean up? I'll make us all some lunch before Cassidy gets the dogs and heads back to London," Alex said looking at her husband, who nodded his head before he quickly disappeared upstairs to clean off his face.


Fernando frowned as he watched Cassidy pull up outside of their home, he glared at the brunette as she climbed out of the car and checked something before she smiled at him as he waited on the doorstep for her.

"How was training?" Cassidy asked stepping into their home, she had to get him out of the way so that she could get the dogs into the house; she didn't want him discovering her surprise just yet.

"Are we really going to pretend that nothing happened?" Fernando snarled glaring at his fiancée, he had never thought that she would do this to him; he loved her more than anything and she had betrayed him, he had thought she was better than Olalla and would never hurt him.

Cassidy looked at him confused wondering what he was talking about, her brown eyes watched him as he ran a hand through his brown hair; he didn't want to believe that she had betrayed him, he had never thought that it would come to this.

"Who is he?" Fernando asked making Cassidy stared at him speechless, she had never thought that he would say that to her.

The couple had been together for seventeen months and she had always been faithful to him, she wondered briefly if maybe the hair dye was starting to leak into his brain from over use.

"Nando... I'm not cheating on you," Cassidy said shaking her head, she stepped closer to her fiancé; he stepped back away from her as he glared at her, he didn't know what to believe. 

"Then where did you go? You certainly weren't doing anything to do with work," Fernando spat furiously, he didn't know what he would do if he lost her; the footballer had never thought that she would do this to him.

Cassidy stared at him as she wondered what had brought this on, she had never thought that he would be like this; she sighed as she carefully took a step towards him.

"I wanted to do something nice for you... so I took a trip to Liverpool," Cassidy said softly as she watched him, Fernando stared at her confused wondering why she would do that for him; she smiled at him softly as he allowed her to hug him, she knew that he was scared of losing her, she just hadn't realised how much.

"You were talking about getting a puppy and how much you missed your two dogs... so I went to Liverpool and got them," Cassidy revealed gently as she looked up at Fernando, she smiled up at her fiancé who stared at her speechless for a moment before he wrapped his arms around her and buried his head into her neck.

Cassidy sighed in relief as she rested her head as she ran her fingers through his hair; she closed her eyes knowing that this could have gone worse.

"Gracias," Fernando whispered pulling back from Cassidy and kissed her, he couldn't believe that he had thought she was cheating on him.

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