Chapter 10: This my Girlfriend

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Author's POV

Today is Graduation Day and the senior students we're clearly excited.

All parents were present and for the first time,Adrien's father was present.

After the graduation,he taught, he should tell his father about Marinette.

Adrien's POV

I look around to see Marinette smiling at me and I smile back. I waved at her as she response back.

The ceremony started and everyone settle down. "Marinette Dupain Cheng" her name was called. I cheered for her and everyone also did. I gave her a flying kiss and she blush a bit and gave me back. "Marinette is amazing Isn't she?" My dad ask and I noded "I hope to see you with her in the future" he said and I blushed, "Hello, Everyone, It's such an honor to be here! Thank you all for the support,to my teachers, my principal, and my parents and my friends and my love ones..." she look at me as she say the last part "I'll be missing all of you, I hope to see you soon everyone!" She said.

After several names was called "Adrien Agreste" I went up stage and saw my dad was proud of me.
Marinette smile at me then she winked at me and I wink at her as same. "Hello, Everyone, I am so happy because you guys have made my years worth it, Dad is also present... and my mom might be happy for me" I smile a little "But hopefully, I get to spend with  persons I love the most" I look at her and she blushed.

The ceremony ended and everyone went home earlier to get ready for the party tonight,here at school. I went near Marinette and take her hand "Adrien?" She stuttered "Mr. And Ms. Dupain Cheng? Can I borrow her for awhile?" I ask her parents "No problem Son, take care of her" "Plus we still have cakes and pastries to make for your party tonight" Ms.Dupain Cheng added.

As they left,Marinette was still confuse "Marinette Dupain Cheng,  I wanna let my Dad know, that your that special person to me" I explained, that's when her face frawned "A-Adrien, It's just uhmm, I'm a baker's daughter and..." "Your an amazing girl! Plus dad love's your designs and he likes you" I held her shoulder "Don't worry Marinette" I kissed her forehead.

I held her hand and we both walk towards dad. "Dad?" He turned around as he stares at me and Marinette's hand. "This is Marinette, my girlfriend, I hope you'll accept her dad, It's just-" "Adrien I meant in the future not now, you two are too young for love" he stared at us "But dad, you and mom were Inlove too,young love" "We did, but..." he sigh "Would you take your responsebility son?" He ask "Yes, I will" I stood up to him, he hug me softly and my eyes widen "Da-dad" I stuttered and hug back.

"I'm proud of you son" he said then he turned around.

Gabriel's POV

"I gotta go son, wanna join me?" I ask "I'll catch up later Dad" He replied "Very, well Let's go Nathalie".

"Are you happy for your son, master?" Noroo ask "Yes, he made  himself a perfect prey" "Master what do you mean?" He ask "I'm using Lila as a bate and I might use neither one of them to be akumatized, maybe Adrien or Marinette" I evily laughed "But Master that's just cruel amd you might hurt your son" he added "Shut your mouth Noroo" I said then he become silent, I thought ti myself Noroo was right but I have no choice, I need that Miraculous just for Emily. "This plan will work for sure, just you wait, just you wait" I evily laughed "Hold on Ladybug and Cat noir, You'll see your anthem of your defeat!" I evily laughed.

To be continued...

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