La Reina | British Royal Family

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The Duke and Duchess of Westminster and Avondale stepped out looking extremely elegant and their star-studded date night was definitely something to look out for.

The Duke and Duchess of Westminster and Avondale were seen attending the Royal Variety Performance at the London Palladium on Monday. As per reports, the Royal Variety Performance is an annual televised event that aids the Royal Variety Charity to benefit hundreds of UK entertainers in need of help and assistance as a result of old age, ill-health or hard times.


"Ari!" Eugenie squealed and waddled over to her. Ariana immediately pulled her glowing cousin into a hug.

"Hey, Genie. How are you feeling?" She affectionately rubbed Eugenie's belly. "How's the little footballer doing?" She asked.

"The baby has been extremely active. I'm already over this day!" Eugenie chuckled.

"Hey, Jack." Ariana said as Jack walked into the sitting room and put his arm around his wife. "Listen, Eugenie and I wanted to talk to you before everyone else arrived." Jack said as he looked at Ariana with a shy grin.

"We wanted to know if you'd be this little one's godmother?" Eugenie asked as she beamed at her.

"Really? Me, a godmother to your little one? You think that's a good idea?" Ariana joked, but she couldn't hold back the huge grin that spread across her face. "I'd be honored!" She said.

She quickly pulled Eugenie into another embrace, kissing her cheek. She smiled brightly at Jack, but she could already feel the tears gathering behind her eyelids.

"Oh God, here comes the tears. Thank you. I really can't wait for this baby to make his - or her - appearance. I'm going to spoil them rotten!" She exclaimed with a grin.

"It only gets worse the farther along you are." Eugenie said.

"Really? I can't imagine Hugh is going to be able to handle an emotional me all the time." She said.

"So, how far along are you?" Eugenie asked.

"I'm officially fourteen weeks, today." She answered.

Ariana spent the next three hours in bliss as she played funny games, with a smile on her face while Eugenie opened gifts.

🔝Chapter Fifteen | Closet Talk🔝

"I called you guys here to help me clean out my closet not take my clothes and eat up all my chocolates." I said as I watched Meghan and Catherine place clothes that were too small me in their bags and share my box of chocolates.

"Honey, we are helping. Is this dress still good for you or should I take it? You know what I'm just going to take it." Catherine said.

"You know what you guys should probably take those that way I can buy more clothes and Hugh cannot complain since my closet will be empty. Maybe, I should call-"

"We're here!" Zara said as she entered my closet with Camille, Anne, Sarah, Eugenie, Beatrice, Sophie and Autumn.

"I called them after you told us about cleaning out your closet." Meghan said.

"Of course." I said.

"I love the closet, Ari." Sophie said.

"Thank you, Sophie." I said.

"Hey, Sophie, I think this dress will look beautiful on Louise." Zara said.

"Oh, she will love it." Sophie said.

"Ari, where do you keep Diana'a dresses?" Sarah asked.

"I have archive where I keep her dresses and mine at." I answered.

"Do you plan on wearing more of her clothing?" Anne asked.

"Yes, I think for the rest of my life, I will wear her clothes. I may even get my daughter, hopefully if I have one to wear them too." I answered.

"I love it. Louise already wears some of my clothes. I know if Diana was here, she feel proud of you wearing her clothes." Sophie said.

"I know it inspires me to keep certain pieces of clothing and jewelry in the archive for Charlotte." Catherine said.

"And future daughters in law." Meghan added.

"Ariana, where did this tiara come from?" Autumn asked as she was now in my jewelry section of the closet.

"You have a mini tiara vault in here?" Camille asked.

"Yes, I do since these tiaras are personally mine and not the crowns. Autumn, I got that as a birthday present from Queen Maxima of the Netherlands." I answered.

"What about the others?" Beatrice asked.

"I have six in total. One from pa for my eighteenth birthday. One from the King of Sweden as a wedding present. One from Hugh because I have a necklace that matches it. One I brought. And the other one is a gift from mum, that she was supposed to give me on my twenty-first birthday." I answered.



The Duke and Duchess of Avondale and Westminster will visit Copenhagen

Nov 18 2019 • 10:30 am


The Duke and Duchess of Avondale and Westminster will undertake a two-day visit to Copenhagen, Denmark on 25th and 26th November. This visit is at the request of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Nov 18 2019 • 10:33 am


The two-day programme will focus on the young people of Copenhagen. Her Royal Highness and His Grace are looking forward to spending time with entrepreneurs, young community leaders, and meeting individuals who are using sports for social development.

Nov 18 2019 • 10:40 am


The Duke and Duchess of Avondale and Westminster's first official visit to Denmark will include an audience with Her Majesty The Queen. Her Royal Highness and His Grace will also attend a reception hosted by Her Majesty's Ambassador to Denmark.

Full details of this visit will be announced in due course.

Nov 18 2019 • 10:44 am

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