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Requests are currently open! All you gotta do is choose a prompt/situation and tell me the character you want me to do it with. Oh yeah, I also do smut! I gladly accept ideas for preferences too, but here are some prompts for imagines: (not all are mine)

1. "They lock me up with you for three nights, and we only get one freaking bed!"

2. "How long have you been standing there?"

3. "Did you hear that?"

4. "Are you seriously going soft on me?"

5. "Your hands are so soft, I must protect them" (-cuteness-prompts on Tumblr)

6. "You're too sweet. I can't tell you how sweet I think you are."

7. "You're sad. Eat the freaking ice cream!"

8. "No wait, don't kill it! I wanna keep it."

9. "I have constant nightmares, and I always had someone to cuddle with, even if it only was my teddy bear. Now, I realize we're not on that level, but you're the only one here and I'm really scared to go to sleep."

10. "person A: i hate you
person B: wow, well, guess what? i hate you too
person C [in a narrator voice]: they actually want to bone each other soooo bad" (-don't remember whose it is, but it's from Tumblr)

11. "Touch her again, and you'll regret you were born!"

12. "You look... Stunning."

13. "Five more minutes....?"

14. "Stop stealing the covers!"

15. "You're really sexy when you're angry, you know that?"

16. "Is that my shirt?"

17. "... (Y/N), what was my coat doing in your room?"

18. "Don't worry, babe, I got you."

19. "The funny thing about destiny, you never know who you're gonna end up with."

20. "Pft, you know you love me."

21. "Oh my.... Dude, you love her."

22. "Were you checking me out?"

23. "Can't you just be nice to them for once?" - "Can't, I only save that for you"

24. "Whatever do you mean by that?" - "Exactly what I said." - "But..." - "No, I meant exactly what I said."

25. "I'm not jealous."

26. "Kiss me."

27. "Stop blaming me for falling to your lap, you were the one that made me trip!"

28. "Are you still awake...?"

29. "I might have had a few shots"

30. "Excuse you?"

31. "Make me." (typical, duhhh)

32. "Just shut up already!"

33. "Bite me."

34. "Eat me."

35. "Listen to me!"

36. "Just pretend to be my date."

37. "Are you really gonna leave without asking the question you've been dying to ask me?"

38. "Those things you said yesterday... Did you mean them?"

39. "Uh- oh, sorry, I really didn't mean to touch your butt!"

40. "Your hair is so soft..."

41. "We should get a puppy!"

42. "You are ridiculously comfortable."

43. "Shooting star, make a wish."

44. "Wouldn't it be cool to have a star with your name on it?"

45. "Do you want me to stay?"

46. "Tampons... You want me to buy... Tampons?"

47. "It's not burnt. It's slightly toasted."

48. "You're warm. It's comforting."

49. "Did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, total badass (person) to blush?"

50. "Can you just stop being a douche for once and hug me back?"

Legends Of Tomorrow Preferences [REQUESTS OPEN] Where stories live. Discover now