"And then there was gun shots and screaming coming from her house and I ran in there, but the girl was already there with her on again off again boyfriend, and her dad was on the floor, and her mom was a mess, and she was confused and she was lost, full of shock and she mindlessly ran into my arms instead of his and he never forgave me for it" he sighed.

"It wasn't mindless Jughead, I ran into your arms because you make me feel safe" she choked on tears.

"But she ran back to her boyfriend and I was forgotten about again" he nodded and walked out of the room, leaving a deafening silence.

"I waited for you that night Jug" Betty said almost inaudible as she sat next to him on the couch.

"Don't worry about it, it's ancient history, you'll be in New York soon, I'll be here, and Archie will still be Archie, you'll still be Betty and it will be will they won't they until you get married or pregnant or both" he scoffed.

"Is it any freaking wonder I chose him when any time anything gets emotional you go hard and turn to stone and be an asshole" Betty shouted.

"I was there Betty, I was always fucking there! Every time he broke your heart, every time he let you down and you looked right through me!" He screamed.

"I wish you wouldve told me Jug, I wish everything was different" she cried.

"Well it's not Betty, and I'm sorry that I wrecked this but you were gonna find out one way or another" he said his tone softer now.

"You were always there Jug, why didn't you tell me?" She sniffled.

He looked away avoiding her gaze. "Because you're the best thing in my shitty life and I take what I can get, any chance I would fuck it up I'd avoid" he laughed sarcastically.

"I just wanted someone to love me Jug, and Archie" she choked up.

"I loved you betty, it was always you, I just wasn't as popular as him" he rolled his eyes.

"Don't say it like that, we were all scared of my dad before he was the blackhood, he didn't want to tarnish the Cooper name" she said trying shuffle closer to him.

"I get that" he nodded sullenly.


"I think your moms waiting for you at home" he said standing up and walking out of the room.

"Don't be like this" Betty pleaded.

"Nothing has changed Betty, we're still friends, I just want a little bit of space" Jughead said quietly, and a tear rolled down Betty's face as she nodded in agreement.

"Reggie I sent you to pops over an hour ago, where have you been you dope!" Veronica giggled opening the door to her five seasons apartment. And it wasn't Reggie stood with pops in hand, it was Betty, in last nights prom dress, messy hair, and tears rolling down her face.

"Can I talk to you?" Betty cried.

Veronica didn't say anything, she was shocked, and she knew in that moment that her best friend just needed a hug. And she did, Betty lay her head on her shoulder and cried, who knows for how long, and it went deeper than the recent revelation. Everything she had bottled up for a year poured out of her eyes and down her best friends silk robe.

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