" No!"

" Yes!"

" No."

" Yes."




" You are going to be late, stop arguing and sit in the car." He exclaimed impatiently.

" Siddharth you can't force me like that. I don't want to come with you and I will not come." She said.

" Ananya, stop arguing for once and do what I say." He said angrily and she noticed worry in his eyes.

She doesn't want to worry him but she couldn't let him know where she is going.

" Anu, go with him. You are getting late and you should also come back home before its dark." Her mom butted in when these two people are not stopping their argument.

" But Ma....." But he didn't let her finish her sentence.

"Good, now come on." He said sitting in his car.

Muttering under her breath, she sat in his car grumpily. Siddharth smiled at her mom who smiled back while Anu sat worrying at what will happen.

Siddharth sighed in relief as they will reach to hospital in time now. He knows that she is worried that he will know that she is going to the hospital but he can't let her travel in public transport that too in such health condition.

" Why is your car here? Daily your driver will come and pick you up na?" She asked him frowning.

" I told driver to leave the car here and go as I will drive from now onwards." He said.

They both stayed silent in the whole ride as different thoughts occupied their minds.


They entered into the city and Anu sat quietly looking outside of the window.
When she realized that they are getting nearer to the hospital, she panicked.

" Stop, I will get down here." Anu said spotting a mall on her left side.

" Here?" He asked frowning.

"Yeah, I came for shopping." She said nervously showing the mall.

Siddharth clenched his jaw tightly and stopped the car. She got down immediately and waited for him to go.

He rode off rashly from there without glancing at her and saying nothing to her. She felt bad for lying to him but she does not have any other choice. She waited there until his car was out of her sight and started her walk towards the hospital which was just 5 minutes away.

Siddharth stopped his car in the parking lot of the hospital and banged his hand on the steering wheel angrily.

Why can't she let me in?

Why can't she just say the truth to me?

Then it would be more easy for us to deal with the things.

I feel like just to confront her but I don't want to cause any trouble to her health by worrying her.

He thought to himself shutting his eyes painfully and decided to wait for her in the parking lot.

She went into the hospital and waited for her turn to go into Doctor's cabin where her usual check up is done. Her name was called out and she went inside the room.

" Hello Dr. Gupta." She greeted her doctor smiling slightly.

" Hello Ms. Agarwal." He greeted smiling back at her.

WHEN THEY MET.....AGAIN ❤️Where stories live. Discover now