Chapter 5

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Disclaimer- Can you guess? Yes, you're right. Congrats. I don't own HP.

AN- Thank you AbbeyWatkin for being my first (and only) vote!!

Remus and Sirius tried not to laugh as Harry fell asleep at the table. He was carried upstairs, dressed, and put into bed by Remus. Sirius came in and kissed his forehead, as did Remus. They smiled when they saw him reach for Prongs, who had fell on the floor this morning. Prongs, I wish you could be here for Harry, but is it bad that I I don't want to let him go?

They left the room and headed to the den, Remus took a book and Sirius plopped dramatically on the couch. Remus eyed him, amused. Sirius just chucked a book at him, which Remus dodged.

Fifteen minutes later, Sirius broke the silence, "What are we going to do tomorrow?" Remus jumped, startled.

"I wanted to go to Hogwarts. There are some things I want to talk with Dumbledore about." Remus replied.

"Such as...?" prompted Sirius.

"Harry. He's four. He shouldn't be able to read, nor be able to understand it. Also," Remus cleared his throat." He remembers that night." Sirius flinched at the reminder, but nodded.

"I want to be there to. What about Harry? He could always go to Minnie."

"No, I think I know who Harry would rather see more," Remus grinned. Sirius knew that grin. It was what got him into the Marauderers.

"What are you thinking? 'Cause I know that look."

"I believe our dear Harry made a friend last time."

Sirius shook his head, "Nononononono! He is NOT going to see the snake. Nope, no way in Hell." Remus just grinned, knowing who Harry would want to see.


Harry had a nightmare again. He lay there, panting with tears falling down his cheeks. He knew Remus and Sirius wouldn't take him back, but he couldn't help but worry. He sat up in his bed hugging his knees. He looked over to the clock, 3:27. Greeeaaat, three hours to think about that. Harry noticed Prongs and immediately grabbed him. He felt better, but not by much. He looked around the room.

Moony! Padfoot! If I can't have Remus or Sirius, I'll have the next best thing. Harry got up and grabbed them. Soon he had a three of them in his arms. He felt better already, but he knew that he wasn't going to go back to sleep. Harry spent that time remembering yesterday and wondering what today would bring.


Remus sent Sirius to wake Harry up while he made breakfast. Sirius went to Harry's room and opened the door. He froze when he saw Harry, tear-stained cheeks and glazed eyes. Sirius shook himself and ran to Harry and scooped him up into his arms.

Harry didn't see Sirius come in so he was startled when someone grabbed him. Suddenly he was being comforted, although he still had his hold on Prongs, Moony, and Padfoot.

Sirius held Harry close as he went over his thoughts, Harry didn't scream or yell, did he? Surely he would have came to one of us if he had a bad dream. Wouldn't he? He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Harry.

"Are you alright?" Harry nodded, "Bad dream?" Another nod, "Then why didn't you wake one of us up?" Harry looked up, shocked.

"Wa-ake yo-ou u-up?" Harry stuttered, confused. What would happen if he woke up his Uncle? Oh, that's right. I was locked in a cupboard, he thought sarcastically. Sirius just smiled at him.

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