"Call me ..."

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You woke up to the same voice of someone in pain, you were on a king size bed, it was dark, you could not take your eyes off of the beautiful room, then it hit you.

Where the fish am I?!

You got up from the comforting bed, heading towards the door, you ran imidiatly after opening the door, you saw a room in front of you, it sounded like the sounds were coming from there.

-Don't even try to escape, it's no use.

Said a man with an evil laugh, opening the door, his face was masked.

You ran back to the room you came from to not get caught.

As you slammed the door shut behind yourself, you looked at chair next to the bed, there was a man.

-Good morning, Princess.

He said getting up from the chair, he was indeed handsome, wearing a black royalish coat.

Was he a prince?

-Get m-me out of here, please

You said, getting panicked.

His eyes darken, as he steps forwards.

-You know how long I have been looking for you? You are mine, then why, my love, why are you running away from me?

You were totally lost, you don't know what's going on, u need time to figure things out.

-I don't know you, I don't even know your name, how can I trust you so easily?

-Babydoll we are meant to be, I'll protect you..unless you betray me once again.

He said, coming closer.

One more thing, dollface, call me Mark Lee.

He whispers into your ear, think kisses your neck, laying you back down on the bed, staring deep into your eyes.

It's midnight, you don't want me near you when you look so tempting, I won't be able to handle this much, for now, sweet dreams, love.

He licks his lips, backs off of you, leaves the room.

Before you knew it, you were sound asleep

Before you knew it, you were sound asleep

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Even tho HE'S a MONSTER-{PJM} (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now