20 || What happened to us?

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*4 months later*

-Y/N's POV-

Nowadays everyone knows you and Zuho are a couple; nowadays you feel like you are living inside a thunderstorm, and it's almost never impossible to fight with Zuho.

What happened to us?

You keep asking yourself without hearing any answers back, and now, you feel that you are all alone.

College break is here, it's been a week or so since you left classes to have a deserved break from studies. You felt happy by hearing about the break but then you remembered that Zuho and you aren't the same, and maybe everything was your fault.

Yoon tried to take advantage of you in school grounds and Zuho saw it all, he defended you but then he started to question your loyalty. The Principal expelled Yoon from College and Jasmine as well since Inseong and Hana spoke up for you, and they declare to be witnesses of the plan Jasmine had against you.

Everyone understood what happened, everyone except Zuho. Hwiyoung and Taeyang are constantly there with you, they want you to see that all the couples have issues; they talk about the times they fought and how they try to solve everything out. Also, Hana and Inseong are now together, it's been a month since he asked her out, and still no one knows about the kiss you two had a time ago.

It seems like years for you.

-Y/N, can you hear me? – Jaeyoon spoke as he started to hug you tightly.

-She isn't talking again? – Dawon asked while sitting down on the wooden table.

-Yes, no response whatsoever – Dahyun sighed.

Currently, you are at the park with Jaeyoon, Dawon, Dahyun and Chani. The rest of your friends are trying to talk with Zuho but at this point, you know that he'll refuse, and will get madder.

-I hate to see her like this – Chani said upset while looking at you.

-I know, me too – Jaeyoon said while he placed your head on his shoulder.

-But what can we do? It's been almost two months since Zuho stopped talking with her – Dahyun claimed.

-Honestly, I want to kill him, just look how bad she is – Dawon complained before taking your hand.

I want to speak and tell them that I'll be fine, but my words aren't coming out.

-I want her to talk again, and to bother me for being such a nerdy – Jaeyoon sighed, he was about to cry.

-I want her to make me cookies and help me out with subjects – Chani said while looking down.

-I need my friend with me; I miss the times we used to laugh about Hana and Inseong's clinginess – Dahyun spoke.

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