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The small nap I have results in nightmares about Calyp, which means I'm awoken sooner than I'd have liked to be. My leg is burning again so I re-apply my ointment and bandages. I have a feeling today might be it. I either live or die. I eat the last of my food supplies and repack everything, determined to come out of this alive. For Calyp. For Marsh. For Basil. For Finnick.

I look over the mound of snow and see a figure at the cornucopia. From here I can tell it's the girl from 2, she must have killed 8. I check my water supply and I'm out, so I duck low and go to break up some ice to get some water, I have no cover here but I haven't seen anybody so I should be fine.

I eat my words when I hear a battle cry and I'm tackled onto the ice by the girl from 6. She starts punching me but I get one in on her and kick her in the chest. She's thrown backward and I advance, only to have the ice break from underneath us. The cold water is a shock to my system, and I immediately start swimming to the surface. But 6 isn't done yet, because she uses a knife and sticks it into my ankle, trying to pull me down.

Fortunately, I can hold my breath for far longer. I use my legs to kick her in the face and keep her under the water long enough to hear the muffled canon. I finally swim up to the surface, teeth chattering, and take huge breaths. I pull myself out of the freezing water and onto the ice only to come face to face with a pair of boots. Shit.

I feel my hair get pulled and now I'm face to face with 2. "Pity you won't get to see your precious boyfriend, I bet he's not gonna be too worried." She says venomously as she stabs me in the abdomen. I scream out in pain as she let's go of my hair and I collapse. I hold a hand to my stomach, thinking of anything I can do to win this.

She gives me what I need as she kneels, leaning closer to me. "Any last words Brightfall?" She snickers. I slowly use my hand to pull a knife out of my holster and wince before replying "You should have gone for the head."

She looks confused for a second before I bring the knife up and stab her in the throat. Her eyes widen in terror as she stands up, holding a hand to her neck. She stumbles back and makes whimpering noises before falling into the water. I can feel myself losing blood by this point, but the cannon finally fires and a voice comes over the loudspeaker.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present the winner of the 64th annual Hunger Games!" A horn blows and I laugh dryly. I probably won't live to be the victor. Above me I see a capitol hovercraft descending. It sends out a hook to bring me up to the jet. I wince as it picks me up, I can feel myself getting closer and closer to unconsciousness.

Once it pulls me all the way in doctors rush around me, putting me onto an operating table, cutting my clothes off, starting an IV, and checking all of my other vitals. "I need a blood transfusion, O neg, stat!" I hear one of them yell. I groan out in pain as they move me and one of them looks at me in surprise. "Is she still awake?"

Someone comes over to flash a light in my eyes and I move my head, the light blinding me. "Sedate her, now!" I feel even more drowsy after that, about to sleep. The last thing I hear before passing out is "President Snow said no scars, let's get to work!"

I open my eyes to a blinding white light. That's odd, I'm not cold.... I bring my hands up to feel my abdomen, no pain. I move my ankle, no pain. I squint and sit up, realizing I'm in a hospital of some sorts. I have an IV in my arm and I am in a two piece hospital gown. There's a heart monitor next to my bed, a table, and the door is closed.

T H O R N |Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now