Chapter 53: Angels

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Momo's POV

I have my reason why I just disappeared. It's hard choosing loneliness that's why I'm really grateful that my bitch's still around. Most of the time, Chaeyoung stays in my house.

“Hi.” Speaking of the devil. I think she went to the royal wedding— the talk of the town.

You look like a walking disaster. I kissed her cheek. Her eyes were swollen. Her nose was red. And her hair was disheveled.

Yeah~ I know. She replied, caressing my belly. How are you feeling?She pulled me to the living room.

Uncomfortable as usual,I answered. Have you eaten yet?

Nope. So hungry~ The big baby slumped on the couch.

I already cook. Let’s eat. I waited for you. I tugged her into the dining room.

Wow~ Kimchi stew, my favorite! Excitedly clapping her hands, she sat down, gesturing me to sit next to her. She's so childish sometimes but it's cute.

After eating, she washed the dishes while I just watched her. How are you?” I questioned.

Drying her hands on the towel, she opened the refrigerator, grabbing a bottle of beer. You know the answer.

When she opened the beer, the smell immediately invaded my system. Aish~ Go away disgusting drunkard. You stink~. I pinched my nose. I got nauseous— I hate it.

“Okay, okay. She went back on the couch, turning the television on.

It's now nighttime. She's already fast asleep, drunk as usual. I can't catch a wink so I decided to read ShoujoZ' It's me, your love or not. The plot was nice. It will make your heartache so bad that you'll be wanting to slap the bitch next to you. Charot. The author will release it publicly after this story so please look forward to it. *wink*

I'm at the most intriguing part of the story when... Jisoo.. Chae mumbled. All I can do was listen. It was heartbreaking seeing your best friend get heartbroken. She stirred up, burying her face on my chest. I patted her back for comfort.

Chaeng's POV

I woke up cuddling with my bitch. It's been my routine when I'm here and we both didn't mind our set-up. There were times when we go to the grocery or go shopping, people will tell us that we look good together. I know but it's not like that and we'll never be like that. She's just a good friend of mine.

I quickly took a shower before going to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When I finished preparing ham omelet, toasted bread, and a cup of milk for Momo. I put the plates on a tray so I can serve her breakfast in bed.

CHAEYOUNG!!!! Momo shouted at the top of her lungs that made me jump. The plate slipped off of my hands. Thankfully, I caught it. Leaving everything behind, I ran to her aid.

WHAT HAPPENED?!” I panicked.

MY WATER BROKE!! She yelled right in front of my face.

HELP! (Chaesoo|Jenlisa)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz