Chapter 4

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He felt just better that Yusei knew that they had his number for emergencies. His gut just told him that there was more behind it.

"Thanks, Yusei-san will do. Hope you have a well rested night as well."

With that, both said their goodbye's and Yusei made his way back to his friends. Closing the door behind and letting out a sigh. This was just more complicated than before and that his sign glowed meant never something good. Something did happen and he will find it out. But for now, he had to get a good nights rest. It got late and he was feeling tired that the whole thing put a toll on him. 


Dream sequence

It was strange as he was walking around a beach. Next to him were floating two people but their faces were a blur. One seemed like a woman the other person had a Kuribo brown haired shape but like the other person, his face was blurry as well. Not just that he couldn't understand what they were talking to him. It was as he would be deaf but that couldn't be because he heard the water from the sea. Maybe this was a memory? Who knew exactly but this wasn't making sense to him. When this would be one why doesn't he see their faces? Nothing made sense to him. He felt disappointed that he couldn't see their faces it made him feel incomplete. There was more he missed someone.

As he walked around he saw someone running up with him. The same with the other two ghosts he couldn't see his face, the same blurriness. But there was a little cat animal on the person's shoulder. It had a little round thingy on his tail. That animal was a darker violet and the round thingy on the tail was a kind of red colored. The person who was running up to him was wearing a swim short and a light blue jacket. He had turquoise spikey hair. His heart was fluttering as he saw the toned body who this person had. His cheeks got slightly pink and he was stunned. This person felt familiar but he just couldn't remember who this was. What made him perplexed was as Kuribo showed up and flying up to the little cat and they were playing. As he arrived in front of him he jumped on him and hugged him. That made him perplexed but it was weird he didn't mind it. He felt down with him on the sand with a thumping sound. Chuckling slightly at the antic, it was as he knew this person. Once again he couldn't hear what this person said and somehow his heart stung.....


With that, he woke up tears running down his cheeks. He knew them but he just couldn't remember their faces nor what their names were. One person, in particular, made his heart just stung. The male who hugged him was someone who he probably hold dearly or why else would he feel like this. It was as he would want to see him and talk to him. Maybe that was the person he missed. His mind was racing with questions. Question's he couldn't find answers maybe he could ask Yusei about that. Maybe he would know more about it. His tears were still running down his cheeks his heard was hurting so much at this moment.


That was bringing him out of his thoughts as he felt that present again of his full friend. A little sad smile as he looked at Kuribo.

"I...had a dream. I don't know who that person was with turquoise hair but I want to see him so badly..."

He could see Kuribo's eyes widening as he was flapping nervously around him. His eyes showed once more the worried expression of that cute full ball.

//I did it again...I made him worried about me great....//

"Kuri! Kuri!"

"Huh sorry spaced out I just don't know what I should think about that dream...."

In the future (for adoption)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن