Kill myself?

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Lil:HONK HONK RICE BITCHES*keeps saying this out loud*

Senpie:.....what the hell are you'S F*CKING 12:30 IN THE GOD DAMN MORNING!!! I look like a morning person?

Senpie:..I don't know😒


Senpie:Kill yourself you damn loud ass person!*throws a ninja star at me*

Lil:what.....kill myself....*slowly looks at a cliff out the window smiling*


Lil:well then...I tried to kill meh self many times but my good friend stopped me....until I asked to be killed hehehe..😁


Lil:BUT I'll do my best ma'am!*salutes to Senpie*

Senpie:you are actually going to kill yourself?

Lil:Oh yes!*jumps off the roof of the house*

Senpie:*covers her eyes*something something someone who is dumb....

Lil:*crashes into the ground making a crater*Damn didn't work😫...

Senpie:*sighs and walks back into the house leaving me outside*Hogan...hobo.

Lil:I'M NOT A HOGAN...I'm a Hobo...A rich one though!*dust my legs off*

Senpie:*slaps me and goes back into the house for the second time*.....

Lil:*falls back into the crater*O-ow....

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