Y/N:  "Well Svartur, glad to have you on board, but there is something I've been wanting to know about you."

Svartur:  "Go on."

Y/N:  "Ddraig said that your power is dangerous to use.  I know you can absorb defeated Grimm, but how can that be?  And why is using your power dangerous?"

Svartur:  "Well, you see..."

Y/N's Dorm
Ruby's POV

Ruby had just come back from the library, bore game in hand.  As she entered, she saw everyone sitting on the couch, except for Y/N.

Ruby:  "Guys?  Where's Y/N?"

Blake:  "We don't know.  He said he had something urgent to take care of in the forest."

Weiss:  "I know he had his sword with him, but I hope he's okay..."

Blake:  "Y/N's strong.  He can take care of himself.  I just want to know why he was so freaked out."

Yang:  "When he gets back, I'm gonna kill him for leaving without any warning or explanation!"

Ruby:  "I'm sure it was important."


Y/N:  "Hey girls."

Ruby:  "Y/N!"

Y/N:  "Look, I'm sorry for running off like that."

Yang punches him in the arm pretty hard.

Yang:  "That's for running off like that!"  She hugs you.  "But I'm glad you're okay."

Blake:  "What happened?"

Y/N:  "I cant say yet, but first we need to make a plan."

Weiss:  "You really aren't gonna tell us, are you?"

Y/N:  "I can't yet.  Don't want to ruin the surprise."  you say smiling.

Yang:  "Y/N!  YOU SAID YOU WOULD EXPLAIN!" she starts chasing you around the room.

Y/N:  "I know, I know, and I will.  I'm having trouble understanding myself.  I just need to wrap my own head around it first.  Once I do that, then I'll tell you guys, but we have bad guys to stop."

You then spend the night talking about what you'll be doing tomorrow.

The Next Day
Professor Port's Class

After this class was over, you could spring into action.  You saw Weiss watching the clock very diligently.

Y/N:  "Psst.  Weiss.  Watching the clock won't make it go any faster."

She doesn't pay attention to you. 

Y/N:  "Weeeiiisss.  Hey Weiss."  You whisper in her ear.  "Hey there Snow Angel."  That got a reaction of out her, but only a nervous blush.

The clock hits 4 and the bell rings.

Port:  "And then I-  oh, timed that one wrong.  Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait!  Until next time."

With Every Step Forward (Neglected/Abused Boosted Gear Reader x RWBY)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें