Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Breqlynn watched as Wolfrick entered the stand of pines in pursuit of the vamp-possessed Russian. "Fuck," she swore. The urge to follow swelled within her breast. But, now that her magic was temporarily burned out, she couldn't help and would only hinder him in this fight. "He'd better come back to me."

Without thought, Breq touched her chest and felt the ring snuggled between her breasts.

"After the damage your shifter did to the weretiger before the fire, you shouldn't have much to worry about." Aeddon put his arm around Breqlynn's shoulders and drew her in for a side-hug.

"Plus, he'll want to actually put that ring on your finger. I'd say that makes him highly motivated." Keys bumped her hip into Breq's upper thigh.

The smile Breqlynn flashed them died quickly. While their words of comfort were appreciated, she still worried. Too much could go inexplicably wrong. What transpired in the now smoldering barn was proof of that.

It was tempting to touch base with Jaeger and receive a play-by-play of what was happening. But, Breqlynn didn't want to distract him. To that end, she buried what she was feeling deep.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Aed asked a now-human Jonathan. The large man suffered some lacerations to his chest and neck. That, coupled with singed hair, were the extent of his visible injuries. His massive chest was bared to the Montana winter, and he wore only a pair of sweatpants which hugged his hips. He didn't look cold in the slightest.

Through streaks of soot, the werebear made a face. Jonathan's kind, brown eyes held a deep weariness. "The severely injured are unable to change back. If you've some way to heal them enough so they can shift, we'd be grateful."

Aeddon gave a slight nod. "I can." He went to his pickup to collect the medicines, herbs, and healing potions Keilynn had likely made.

"Breqlynn, may I have a word?" Nikos was at her side. She hadn't heard nor seen him move. His sudden appearance caused her to start.

"Shit, dude! It's not a good idea to sneak up on me. Especially after what just happened." Even though her magic was burned out for a few hours, Breq could have easily decapitated him with her athame.

Keilynn gave a short, nervous laugh as the daemon apologized. She'd been just as shocked by his sudden appearance and was as on-edge as her twin. "I'll go help Aeddon," Keys announced as she stowed her pair of athame.

"Is it about whatever you did to piss off Wolfrick?" Breqlynn asked as they walked further away from the others. She steered them toward the knife she'd seen her wolf drop before he went after the Russian.

Nikos flashed Breq a look that was hard to decipher in the surrounding darkness. The moon would be full tomorrow, yet there was cloud cover and tall, dense pines that cast deep shadows.

"Er, yes. I was hoping you could enlighten me as to what it may have been."

Breqlynn's shoulders lifted in a shrug. Her mind was once again on Wolfrick.

An angry, feline sound split the night. Gasping, Breq spun to face the uproar. Her rear felt like it'd been bitten and not in a playful, kinky way. Beside her, Nikos came to a stop and eyed her in a way that made her intuition sound a warning.

Deciding not to react to the throbbing in her ass, Breqlynn picked up and stowed her second blade. The daemon knew of their mental link, but not of the physically empathic bond she and Wolfrick shared. Instinct was warning her not to reveal too much to Stavros.

Turning, Breq began to walk back to the others. It was hard not to limp. She had to keep reminding herself that it was Wolfrick's pain she felt and not her own.

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