Chapter 2

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   That morning, shortly after Diamondpelt woke, she was bombarded by Snowdream and Blazingclaw. Blazingclaw was an unusually large tabby tom, with muscles rippling through his sleek pelt. Snowdream was all white, with fluffy fur,  small ears, and ice blue eyes. "Diamondpelt! We have horrid news!" Yowled Blazingclaw. "What is it?!" Diamondpelt responded in a worried tone. "An army of Twolegs! They've got these strange weapons. We tried to catch this plump pigeon, when the Twoleg shot it dead!" A look of horror crossed over Diamondpelt's furry face. "Where were they?" Diamondpelt asked in a hurry. "Near Sunningrocks!" Was Snowdream's  response. "Coming this way, killing pigeons and voles on there way!" Diamondpelt let out a yowl of dismay. "Let the clan know! I'll warn Goldenstar, while you lead the clan towards SkyClan's border. Hurry!" And with that, Diamondpelt races over to the leader's den. Without asking, she scrambled in the den. "What are you doing, barging in like this?" Goldenstar asked, a scowl apparent on her face. "Twolegs!" Gasped Diamondpelt, "A whole band of them! They're killing the prey, and heading straight into our camp!" Goldenstar's eyes widened in shock. Scrambling to her paws she asked, "where has my clan gone?" Diamondpelt answered her, trying to sound calm. "Blazingclaw and Snowdream have led them to SkyClan's border. The brush area near there is far enough away to not get sighted by a patrol, and not fully in SkyClan's camp. We can stay there, and if the Twolegs come any closer, we can warn the rest of the Clans to evacuate." Goldenstar gave a curt nod and followed Diamondpelt towards the camp exit. She picked some fresh kill, just like Diamondpelt, so while the clan hid they would not starve. As Goldenstar picked up the last mouse, she heard thudding footsteps and loud bangs. She stifled a gasp, and her and Diamondpelt ran as swift as possible towards SkyClan's border. Upon arriving, they saw the clan huddled in the undergrowth, quivering. Goldenstar dropped some fresh kill in the middle of the huddling cats. "Shhh!" Diamondpelt hissed to all the cats. "We musn't let the Twolegs know we're here!" Out of pure shock, confusion, and dread, the clan stayed silent. Almost as if they were sitting vigil. Suddenly, the worst happened. A SkyClan patrol spotted them. "What are you doing in our territory!?" Spat Sparrowfeather, a glint of determination and fury ablaze in his eyes. "Twolegs!" Hissed Goldenstar and Diamondpelt at the same time. "They raided our camp!" Spoke up one of FireClan's apprentices, Nightpaw. Sparrowfeather looked disbeleivingly at FireClan. "And how do I know your not lying and planning to attack SkyClan's camp?!" He hissed, unsheathing his claws. "Why would we bring this much fresh kill if we were planning to attack, like you accused us of?" Diamondpelt retorted. With an angry snarl, Sparrowfeather spoke up once more. "You must talk with Skystar before I ever let you all in MY camp!" Sparrowfeather said, and he tramped off towards his leader's den. Goldenstar looked uncertaintly at Diamondpelt. "Are you sure you should of led us here?" Goldenstar asked. "Absolutely!" Replied Diamondpelt. A few minutes went by when finally, Sparrowfeather returned with Skystar. Skystar was probably the oldest leader of all the clans, but also the kindest and most understanding. However, when he got mad, he got MAD. "What is FireClan doing at SkyClan's border? Skystar growled. "Please, hear us out. Twolegs invaded our camp, and they had some sort of weapon they pointed at the prey and the prey died!" Snowdream replied. "Our camp isn't safe right now!" Skystar nodded his head. "But Skystar! What a mouse-brained idea!" Spat Sparrowfeather. "They are probably planning to attack the camp!" "Not at all. They would be foolish to try that. Our camp hopelessly outnumbers them." Sparrowfeather looked disbeleivingly at his leader. "Whatever." He said, sticking his tail up in the air and prancing off. With a nod of his head, Skystar led FireClan into his camp. "We have some extra dens and a little extra fresh-kill." He said. "But for the most part, you must hunt for yourselves. SkyClan can't always provide for you." The clan nodded silently. "And remember the debt you owe us, for sheltering you." Said Skystar. He then pranced off, letting FireClan sleep and eat. Suddenly, a loud yowl came from Ivyleaf's mouth. Ivyleaf was one of FireClan's queens. "My kit, oh my kit!" She wailed. "I left Hollykit back at camp!"......

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