Author's note

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Hi! This is a mini saga I wrote for a competition and I found out it's getting published which I would also love to post it on my own account, It actually doesn't get published till 30th April 2019.. which isn't long away now. I'm sharing on this coming up to the day of it becoming officially published as it's something I never thought would happen. I thought my writing wasn't good and all.

I'm glad Young Writers' liked my 100 word mini saga and have decided to get it published.

This is the certificate I got with other letters about it which isn't as important as this

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This is the certificate I got with other letters about it which isn't as important as this.

I will share my mini saga The Foreign Wave soon, the excitement is building up I guess as I have entered another contest with Young Writers' for fun, it's only for fun just to help me kill some nerves coming up to exams and all



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