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𝕛𝕦𝕟𝕖 𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟝
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"i'm a malfoy now"

THE DAWN SKY WAS A BLOOD ORANGE SURGE, hinting at the arrival of summer

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THE DAWN SKY WAS A BLOOD ORANGE SURGE, hinting at the arrival of summer. The soft sound of chorusing bees and woodland creatures filled the Scottish air.

It was another beautiful blossoming day. Rosalie supposed that Malfoy Manor would be hot and leafy, its flower beds and gardens a riot of colour when she arrived there that evening.

The thought though gave her no pleasure at all. Her life as Rosalie Hayes had come to a close, and she feared the reactions of the many friends across all houses she had made this year. . . but perhaps she wouldn't even need to worry if she stayed at Beauxbatons.

Her trunk was packed; Jax back in her cage, with Dakota crawling around the items restlessly. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were waiting in the crowded entrance hall as they waited to farewell the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students.

The weather could not have been more different on the journey back to the South of France than it had been on their way to Hogwarts the previous September.

There wasn't a single cloud in the sky. Rosalie farewelled Hermione with a tight hug, plans already made to catch up as soon as they arrived home in London.

Harry had been awfully quiet around them since the end of the tournament. . . not that Rosalie could blame him.

Despite becoming strong acquaintances, she knew it wasn't her place to ask questions and instead avoided the topic at all costs. . . which to Harry meant also avoiding everyone. Besides, she didn't know if she'd be seeing anyone of them after this year and obviously Hermione would still fill her in if she needed. . .

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𝕛𝕦𝕟𝕖 𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟝
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"you don't know what it's like
to watch someone die "

┌───── ・☆☽・ ─────┐𝕛𝕦𝕟𝕖 𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟝━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━"you don't know what it's like to watch someone die "

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𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄,  little malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now