Chapter 12

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I woke up inside a HUGE room, with a KILLER hangover.

I looked around the room, looking for my stuff.

It was on the other side of the room. Well, fuck.

I tried standing up to go get it. Where am I and what the heck happened?

First step.


"Fuck." I whimper after landing hard on the floor

"Bee!" Parker says, helping me get up

"P-Parker?" I ask as he carries me back to bed

"Good to know you remember." He smiles

"I never forget a handsome face." I smile back.

"What happened? Where am I?" I ask him as he sits beside me

"Your friend....Jax?"

"Max." I correct

"Ah, yes. Your friend Max. He saw you getting choked by someone by the pool so he dived in to save you." He says

"If you're wondering, I didn't pass out because of lack of breath." I chuckle

"...who was he? Why was he harassing you?" Parker asks, concerned

"My ex. We hate eachother." I say.

"...where's Max?" I ask before he could add anything

"Downstairs, making something for you." He says.

"Wait-where am I again?" I ask

"You're in my room." He says with a smile

"Wow..." I say as I look around. This room was the size of my whole apartment room combine into one.

"Is Jax your-"


"Is Max your boyfriend?" He asks

"Hell no." I chuckle

"Then...what are you?" He asks

"You ask too many questions, Parker." I say with a chuckle

"My house, my rules." He says

"Then I'll leave." I say as I try to get up.

"Alright, fine fine fine." He says, blocking me from getting up and falling on top of me

"You are so handsome, Parker." I whisper

He smiled then kissed me.

"I don't know what it is about you, Bee but I am so drawn to you." He says, as he starts trailing kisses down my neck to my collarbone

"Breakfast is ready......" Max says, entering the room.

Parker and I immediately gain back our composure

"...hey guys." Max says. Shit. I forgot. Max knows nothing of my sins

"Jax! There you are." Parker says

"It's Max." Max and I say in unison

"So are you feeling, bee?" Max asks as he walks toward us

"Been through worse." I shrug

"What's for breakfast?" Parker asks

"Mushroom soup" Max says sternly as he places the huge bowl between us along with 3 smaller bowls and soup spoons

"Mmmmmmmm! That smells heavenlyyyyy!" I say as I open the huge bowl and smell the delicious aroma of the soup

"This actually doesn't look bad!" Parker says, examining the soup

We then finished eating and Parker took the bowls downstairs.

"Max...?" I ask. I noticed how silent he had been the whole time.

"What?" He snarks as me, startling me

He definitely saw what happened. Meh, whatever. He doesn't own me. Nobody does.

"Thanks for the soup. It was delicious." I say as I kiss him on the cheek. I then saw his shoulders loosen up.

Tsk. For his age, he sure is acting like a puppy.

Parker came back with a phone ringing in his hand.

"I think this is yours." He says, handing the phone to Max.

Max immediately takes the call and leaves the room.

"Would you like to go on a date with me, Bee?" Parker asks.

"Don't get too attached, Parker." I say with a smirk

"Who ARE you, Bee?" He asks filled with amusement

"You ask me that as if I'm a super hero in disguise." I chuckle

"But trust me...I'm not what I seem to be." I add

"Then show me what you really are." He says.

"I'm not that easy." I say

He looked at me with wonder.

"I have never been more interested." He says

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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