"I don't feel like doing anything to be honest. You want some left over pizza?" I grimaced shaking my head.

"Thought so." He threw the pizza away and began to look through the fridge.

"Well, I got pizza. Four cheese."

"Yes!" I said very quickly as he chuckled "What? Four cheese is my favourite pizza!"

"Well, whatever floats in your boat." He placed the pizza onto a tray and stuck it into the oven.

"Well, we have about fifteen minutes for the pizza to be done. What do you want to do in the meantime?" He lasted but I shrugged.

Then there was silence.

Again, what the hell is it with all this silence, I on top of the counter and him leaning against the cupboards looking down at the floor.

I should say something. But I don't know what.

"You live alone?" I asked.

"Well, dad's travelling, my sister's getting some help."

Then I remembered about the whole story he told me at the beach and how I basically insulted his mother.

"Listen Donald." He looked at me as we were at the eye level.

"About what I said down at that beach. What I said about your mother-"

"Hey it's fine." He reached towards me and placed his hand on top of mine. "You didn't know and it's ok."

"But I was a complete bitch to you when you told me that story. I-I thought that you made it all up-"

"Hey" he spoke softly as he placed a hand onto my cheek, sending shivers down my spine. "You didn't know. It doesn't matter." He smiled at me.

Gosh that smile.

I looked up to him and smiled back at him. Then I realised that his hand was still onto my cheek. He must have realised too as he quickly pulled back, leaving a slight warm feeling.

I didn't want him to pull away.

The oven signalled that the pizza was ready and Daniel quickly reacted as he opened the oven door and carefully pulled the pizza out of it.

We placed it onto a plate and headed towards the living room. As we munched silently, I remembered that he previously mentioned that his sister was getting help.

Guess the curiosity was burning within me.

"You mentioned that your sister was getting help." He stopped eating.

"Oh crap I shouldn't have said it. Sorry." I quickly reacted, realising that he may not want to talk about it.

"No no it's fine." He wiped his hands onto his lap and looked at me.

"I have an older sister and...let's just say she isn't...stable."

I furrowed my brows with confusion "when we were younger, we used to climb trees and stuff. One day, were climbing up a tree and well, she lost her balance and fell, hitting her head first. She suffered a severe brain damage and would have these brutal mood swings and violent fits. It was hard to control her. She would party or stay out all night with guys. That resulted her to get pregnant. she was drunk that she didn't know who the father was, so she wanted to get an abortion and even headed towards the clinic."

"Did she..."

"No no. Must have had a change of heart. As soon as my niece was born, she agreed to live in a facility center to get help. I used to take Isabella to the facility center so that she could see her mom, but my sister got worse so I haven't seen her ever since. Besides, we haven't talked since my mother died."

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