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Precious's POV

Finally I'm here in Seoul I've been wanting to go here ever since I started stanning 2ne1. Just so you know how I got here well my sister got accepted on her audition and now we're both living in Korea, she brought me here because I can't stand living with my mom alone in Canada 'family problems' so yeah she brought me here with here.

Unfortunately she is not living with me, she's going to live in her dorm with other trainees. Thank God my sister's manager found an apartment for me to me live but I have to pay it, yes I'm still 16 yet I'm living alone the landlady here is kind we got close to each other since she knows how to speak english and she's teaching me Korean.

My sister is like my mom and dad to me speaking of my dad he's in Ph with his children with other woman. And now my sister is taking a responsibility for me but I'm not going to take advantage of it I need to find some part-time job.

I am now wandering around Seoul looking for job. "Oh there's one here" I mumble to myself.

I entered the cafè it's called Bangtan cafe. "Hi are you guys looking for an employee?" I ask her and she seems understand me cause she went to the back at the door and came out with a guy- not just a guy my bias in BTS omg! It's PARK JIMIN. As much as I want to fangirl I remember what I need to do here.

"Hey there! Sorry she can't really speak english but here I am. May I ask what you need?"

"Oh yeah. Hello" I bowed to him "Are you still looking for an employee? I'm going to apply if you guys need one I'm here"

"Yes we are, come follow me" I followed him and he lead me to hi office. "You can start the day after tomorrow if you want, but do you know how to speak some hangul?"

"I know the basics. I'm still learning but I hope I'll learn soon."

"I hope so too. May I ask how old are you?"

"I'm still 16 years old. I'm 3rd year of high school."

"Oh really? you are almost the same age as my younger brother he's in 4th year of high school now. Anyways as I told you, you can start the day after tomorrow the cafe open at 8 am and we are closing by 10 pm due to our fans."

"It's fine I understand. What if it's weekdays I have school by 8 am and it ends on 3 pm'

" You can come here by 4 pm so you can rest a little but you can come here straight away since we have lockers here for you stuffs you can put it in there. And you can come home by 10 pm,  I'm guessing you just got here. Are you starting the next school year?" he smiled at me 

"Yes I will start this year in Hanlim Multi Art School."

"Well that's great so see you then."

"Okay see you sir." I bowed to him

"And please dropped the formality I don't want my employees gets uncomfortable. You can call me by my name or oppa" he added

"Yes sir- I mean Jimin oppa." I bid goodbye to him and went to go buy some groceries since I need food to live.


I'm currently at my landlady's living room since their house is kind of near to my apartment ans she insists to teach me hangul. I'm glad she knows how to speak english. We got close since she always drop by my apartment before she goes to work, basically she's like a mom to me.

"So how's your day dear?"

"It's great so far Mrs. Park, I got job at a cafe in downtown and I'm kind of excited to go to school this year."

"Oh what school do you go to?"

"I go to Hanlim Multi Art School." I smiled at her

"Really that's great. You go to the same school with my youngest son, I'll ask him to go with you every morning."

"Oh no it's fine Mrs. Park I don't want to burden your son."

"Precious you're not a burden to us you're like a daughter to me." right I forgot she doesn't have a daughter since she has 3 sons. An hour later.

"Precious dear. I'm just going to cook dinner you can continue studying my sons are almost home anyways. And eat with us so that I can introduce you to them."

"Mrs. Park as much as I don't want to be rude to you, but I have to clean and arrange my apartment. I can eat with you guys next time if it's okay." i said to her as I cleaned the table that we used.

"Oh that's a shame anyways hope you have great evening see you dear good night." she said as she lead me to their gate.

"You too Mrs. Park see you good night." I waved at her while smiling. Damn hes sons are so lucky to have a mother like her I hope my mother is like her.

I went back to my apartment as soon as I entered I start cleaning right away so that I can sleep I'm so tired. After I'm done cleaning I arrange my apartment I think it looks like a house now.

Not too big not too small, its my style

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Not too big not too small, its my style. After I'm done arranging my apartment I went to my room to take a bath since I smell stinky right now and quickly change into my pajama. After doing those tiring activity it's currently 9 pm now, wow didn't expect it will take me a lot of time doing house chores. Anyways I'm going to eat now.

"Let's see. hmm" As I opened my refrigerator all I can see are raw food.

"Darn it! too tired to cook I'm just going to eat salad. I feel like I'm a goat now hmph." I talked to myself, it's so lonely when your alone inside an apartment but my sister is going to visit me next week. After I'm done eating I quickly did my night routine and went straight to my bed and sleep. 

"Darn this day is so tiring" I said before I sleep.

~Hi there this is my first fanfic so I hope you like it! And if you find an error or typo in one of the chapters please comment so that I can edit it right away.. Anyways hope you enjoy this story!! ;))

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