Chapter 8: Beach Day! pt.2

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Adrien's POV

I woke up seeing Alya and Nino still asleep,but what caught me is...

That Marinette wasn't on her bed. I tried to look around the bed room.

I went to the bathroom and knocked, but she wasn't there. Then I look at the balcony, then I saw the girl with blue bell eyes.

"Goodmorning Marinette" "Oh, goodmorning Adrien". She had a frawn on her face but as her boyfriend It kinda made me sad too. "Hey, what's going on?" I put my arm on her waist as we faced on the sunrise. "Well, there's something I need to tell you but It must be a secret" as she said, It was a secret It Kinda made me curious but I must respect her. "Well if It's a secret, I respect you" she look at me and smile a little "Aww, thank you" She kissed my cheek and It kinda made me blush.

After waiting for the sleeping couples, they finally woke up. "Oh,goodmorning you two" Alya greeted "Wassup dude" Nino said. "Wanna play push over?" Marinettes asked "What's that?" Nino asked "Well, I kinda name it because this doesn't really have a name but I'll explain" she gave a sigh "Well, It's by partners and since we're all couples we should partner up with our couple, the girls will stack thereselves on top of the boys shoulder and the girls will push each other, the girl or couple that didn't fell off by pushing will be the winner!" She raised her fist "All right It's on but...."  Nino stop "Can we have breakfast?" He added. "Sure" I said.

Alya called a staff to order breakfast. As Marinette was looking something on her bag she was worried. "What's wrong?" I asked "I think I don't really have any money left" "I do" "What? No, It's your money and well... It's yours" she crossed her arm "Well, as your boyfriend, I have the rights to care for you,so... I will pay breakfast for us" I also crossed my arms "Well, Okay,I can't say no to you Mr. Face of the magazine" she laugh "Oh,really? Ms.Clumsynette" I also laugh "Hey!" Then it ended up,both of us laughing.

"Hey,Dudes! Better get in the water if you guys aren't chikens!" Nino laughed and ran to the water with Alya.

"Game on guys!" Alya added. Alya place herself on top of Nino's shoulder and nino hold her feet so she won't fall. "Ready?" I gave Marinette a gamer's face "YOUR ON MR. AGRESTE!" She said joyfully half serious. She place herself on top of my shoulder and I hold her feet tightly so we will win. "GAME ON!" Alya yelled.

Marinette and Alya began to push thereselves but my blue bell eyes was to strong, then Nino lose balance which made both of them fall. "Hey!" Alya groaned "We won!" Me and Marinette cheered "Not yet! We ain't giving up" Alya was a little furious "No need to be mad" Marinette added "Yeah,I know" both of them chuckled.

After 3 out 5, Me and Marinette won . "Wow, you guys are strong" Alya complained "Thanks!" Marinette said happily.

"We better get packing" Alya said as she packed her things. "Okay! Wait up, me and Marinette will catch up" I added and she gave a nod

Marinette's POV

I gazed on the shore with a frawn. Adrien keeps asking me, why I'm always sad. It's because his my boyfriend and well,uhm...

I'm ladybug and I'm hiding secrets from him and It's pretty naive hiding secrets from the man I love. "Hey? We're about to go home?" I tilt my head and saw a blondish boy "Oh,yes,yes, ofcourse just gazing on the beautiful sunset" I gaze at the sea again as he sat beside me. "You know, if your sad you shouldn't keep it also a secret" He said "Uhm, me? Hiding secrets? No,not at all" I fake a smile "Don't lie" he added.
I sighed "Well, I'm sorry,It's just I'm trying to tell you my secret but... The secret must be strong and bond and musn't be revealed to anyone" I said and his eyes widen "Hm, I guess we're the same,I just became silent, that's all" "But hiding secrets to my boyfriend, Isn't amazing because your someone I love and I'm someone you also love and It Isn't that fair" I confessed "I know but sometimes if you love the person, we should understand them" He place his hand on my shoulder "Thanks Adrien" I place my head on his shoulder "No problem".

All of us went home because tomorrow we have graduation practice.

Adrien's POV

Alya and Nino stop at Alya's place and I delivered Marinette home. As we arrived at her mom, her mom and dad we're waiting outside. "Oh,hello sweetie, how's your trip?" Her kind mom asked
"It was great!" She happily said "Well,hello there Adrien" her dad said with a smile "Hello Mr. And Mrs. Dupain Cheng" I gave a little bow "Oh,no need to bow, we might be half chinese but we're pure Parisians" her mom giggled. "So wanna tell us something?" Her mom crossed her arms "What?" Marinette and I were confused "Oh,well, you guys are holding hands?" Her loving father started to tease "Huh?!" We gasped "Your together aren't you?" They asked "Uhm,well, we just went to a beach, we had fun and we uhh..." she stuttered then she was silent, she looked at me with her red face "Do tell us more" I also teased "Hmmm" she groaned angrily "We are together m-" she was cut through. Her mom and dad hug her tight "No,need to tell us, we will always support you sweetie" they said. Her mom and dad broke the hug and face at me "Don't you ever hurt her okay?" Her dad asked "I promise I won't" I answered. "Well, mama,papa, Adrien needs to...uhh... he uhm..." "I need to go?" I told her " Yeah! Exactly! He needs to go" she stuttered "Really? Or are you just blushing hard" I teased her and she crossed her arms with her red face "Hmm, We will talk about this tomorrow, this is not over Mr. Agreste" she said stamerring "Okay,bye" I wrap her with a hug and give her a goodbye sign "Bye" she replied then I rode off with my car and went home.

The Boy That I Kinda Be Into?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora