Thirty minutes later they got to the arena where the fight was. Aiden seen Carson. Aiden took her shirt ,shoes and socks off. Aiden stretched and then Carson helped her get warmed up for her fight. Twenty minutes later it was time to get ready go out. Aiden put on her leather jacket that she always wears to the ring. Aiden was known as one of the hardest hitting fighters in the company. Aiden knows that it was going to change when she moved up to UFC. 30 minutes later Aiden had knocked out her opponent for the win. Mark was surprised on how good Aiden was. After the fight was over and Aiden went backstage to shower and changed back into her clothes from earlier. Someone came up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. Aiden turned around.
"Your the baddest woman on the planet Ronda Rousey. It's an honor to meet you." Aiden says in Awe.
"It's nice to meet you too. But tell me did my eyes deceive me or did I see the Undertaker here." Ronda says.
"No your eyes didn't. My dad came today. My dad is the Undertaker. I didn't tell anyone because I wanted to do it on my own and not just because of who my dad is. My real name is Aiden Naevia Borden-Calaway. But as you know my stage name is Hayden Borden. I move up to UFC in less then a month. Well I will see you around." Aiden grabbing her bag that she had just finished packing and went to meet her dad. Who as soon as he seen grabbed her in a hug and lifted her and spun her around.
"You did great sweetheart. Let's go and get something to eat." Mark says.
"Thanks. Yeah let's go I am starving." Aiden says as Mark laughs. Mark's phone buzzed just as they arrived at Boston Pizza. It was a text from Gunner letting him know that Gunner, Chasey and Gracie would meet them at Boston Pizza.
"Aiden I should have probably told you this but I wanted you to be completely focused on your fight. Your siblings are coming to WrestleMania tomorrow then they are coming to stay with us for 2 weeks. They will be here in about 5 minutes. You don't have to talk to them if you don't want to. So I heard that your Uncle Steve gave you WrestleMania tickets with backstage passes for tomorrow." Mark says after they sat down Aiden had got Mark to sit down in a bigger booth because she had just gotten a text from her Uncle Steve that he was here in New Jersey. She asked him to bring Jackson and join them for dinner. Steve and Jackson arrived the same time that Gunner, Chasey, and Gracie did. Aiden pulled Steve into the booth beside herself. Aiden hugged him tightly.
"Hey Rocky. How's my favorite niece?" Uncle Steve says pulling away from the hug kissing my head.
"Hey Uncle Steve. I am good I won my fight by knockout. I am your only niece. I am so excited to spend the day with you tomorrow at WrestleMania." Aiden says with a smile.
"Hi Aiden I missed you sissy." Jackson says throwing his arms around Aiden.
"Hi Jackson I missed you too buddy. Are you having fun with Uncle Steve?" Aiden asks. Jackson nods.
"Uncle Steve took me to see TNA I got to meet The Hardy boys. I am excited to watch Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins tomorrow. They are so going to win." Jackson says with excitement. Mark watches the 2 with a smile. Mark wishes that someday Aiden will be like that with one of her other siblings.
"Gunner, Chasey and Gracie this is your sister Aiden. Gunner is older then her by 5 years. Which means that there is 5 years between Chasey and Aiden. Seeing as there is 10 years between Chasey and Gunner. Gunner you were 5 when she was born. But you were 7 when you last seen her." Mark says.
"What do mean by that Mark?" Uncle Steve says.
"The last time that Skye let me see Aiden was when she was 2. I tried for years but she wouldn't let me." Mark answers.
"That is news to me. She told me that Aiden went to your house every other weekend." Uncle Steve says.
" No I was going to dad's parents house. Even tho I wasn't allowed to see dad I could still see them. Dad's brothers don't really like me tho because they found out that I was born through an affair. I usually spend the summer with Uncle Steve tho. Uncle Steve when I go to your house this summer can you start training me for the WWE." Aiden answers.
"If that is what you really want Aiden then yes. But when you go back home your dad is going to train you when I am not around." Uncle Steve says.
"Deal. I only really wanted to fight in the UFC because it was what mom wanted. I will fight there until I turn 18. But when I am 18 I want to apply for WWE. I want to still use Hayden Borden tho." Aiden says. Uncle Steve nods in understanding with a smile.
"Is this ok Mark? I started showing her moves as soon as she turned 6. I did it without her mom knowing because I know that her mom would get mad. I promised Aiden that when she turned 17 I would teach her the Scorpion death drop and Scorpion deathlock. I have been taking her to watch me wrestle since she was 3. The first time I ever took her she came to me and said. Unca when I grow up I want to be just like you." Uncle Steve says bringing a smile to Mark's face.
"She used to watch it with me. When Aiden would be at my house I would put in tapes of my matches on and she loved it even when she was a baby. Skye used to hate it when I would let her watch it. But if this is really what you want Aiden then you have my support. But when I train you I expect you to work hard. Once I feel that you are ready only then will I teach you the tombstone piledriver. We will start your training tomorrow morning at 6 am." Mark says agreeing to train Aiden. Aiden nodded with a smile. They all ordered. Aiden, Jackson and Steve shared 2 large meat lovers pizzas. Chasey, Gracie and Gunner shared a large Hawaiian pizza. Mark ordered a medium spicy chicken pizza. When they got back to the hotel Aiden moved into her Uncle Steve's Room with him and Jackson so that her dad could share with Chasey, Gracie and Gunner. Jackson and Aiden shared a bed and Steve got his own. Mark got his own. Gunner slept on the couch. Chasey and Gracie got the other bed.
As soon as Aiden and Jackson laid down they were out.

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