Chapter 13 School

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I start with freezing time for everyone outside of our group, part of my hair changes to green.

"Whoa, your hair changed." David says.

"Just wait." Anne says for me.

I make a dome of earth around our area and some of my hair changes to brown. I take the buckets, flip them upside down with telekinesis and take the water to put around the walls. I use sound magic to make the water have waves. My hair continues to change in portions. I produce fire and make another layer around the inside walls as well as condense the air in between the layer of water and fire. More of my hair changes. I make another layer of lightning around the walls then make half of the space inside the dome very dark and half bright but not enough to cause harm. Once that is complete I transport the group outside the dome using space magic and make a doorway into the dome. With that complete, I fold my arms waiting for a response and I say, "How about that."

I look at everyone. Anne and Hannah are just smiling in awe. The other three look slightly terrified but are still staring in awe as well.

"Jess, your hair is a rainbow." Anne says.

I take a look at my hair. It is a proper rainbow. At my scalp, it starts with black and continues in a rainbow pattern as it continues down my hair and ends white.

"So it is." I say.

"How can you...use all of them."

"Who knows, I just can." I reset everything to where it was before, and then I unfreeze time. Nobody outside of our group knows what just transpired. Our group watches as my hair slowly turns back to a solid pink.

"Good job everyone, let's head back to the classroom." Hannah says. We follow her back through the halls and into the classroom. I stay further back again. Every once in a while one of them looks back at me and turns back shortly after. They must be talking about me.

We arrive in the classroom and everyone goes back to where they were before. Hannah starts talking about learning and how it's the best and starts trying to teach us. I tune her out looking at the tree in the courtyard since I already know this stuff.

I watch as a petal breaks off from the branch and slowly falls to the floor. When will that God do something to make this less boring?

After a lot of my mind wandering endlessly for probably a couple of hours, my sister stops me, "Jess, Hannah is going to talk about some history." She says.

I look to the front of the room to see five decently thick books on the teacher's desk.

"These are your history books. Throughout your school time, you will read this and learn from it." Hannah says. The books disappear and reappear on each desk.

"Ms. Hannah, I forgot to ask, is that space magic you're using?" Darren asks.

"Yes, it is." She responds.

I open the book and see many words and almost as many pictures. There are seven sections in the book. First is 'Before' which is about this world before main civilization showed up. The second through fifth chapter refers to each continent 'Xerneas' the human continent, 'Adroya' the elven continent, 'Klumane' the man-beasts' continent, and 'Cresselia' the last continent. The sixth chapter is 'War' and is about the war between each continent. Then, lastly, is the 'Peace' chapter, where everything is great.

"With that, we are done for today." Hannah says, "Go ahead and head to the cafeteria for supper. It's the multipurpose room. There are signs telling you all where to go."

Everyone stands up and grabs their books and we all start to exit the room. As Hannah said, there were plenty of signs pointing in the direction of the multipurpose room. They need a better name for that room. As always I stay behind and give the others space to be friends and when we get to the multipurpose room, literally everyone else is already there and eating. The five of us calmly obtain our food and eat at a table reserved for the nobles, because why not.

Once everyone is starting to finish up the same announcer man as before gets everyone's attention easily, "Attention everyone, when you are finished eating, report directly to your dorms. Thank you."

"Jess, where is our dorm?" Anne asks.

"No clue." I respond.

"I bet you two are wondering where you're dorm is, aren't you?" Hannah comes to save the day, "Follow me."

Anne and I stand up and follow Hannah out of the room and to some stairs next to the doorway. Once upstairs we travel not far down the hall to a door that is labeled 'Chinweike'. At least we won't get confused on which door is ours.

"Good night you two. See you tomorrow!" Hannah says as she walks back towards the stairs.

Anne enters first and is immediately stunned. "Wow." She says, "This is bigger than the room at our house."

I step in and notice it is about twice the size of our old room and three times the size of our classroom. To the right are two queen-sized beds. The one closer to the door is light blue and the one further from us and closer to the other wall is pink. "I call the light blue one!" Anne says before I have any say in any of this. The opposite wall is almost all glass like the classroom and also has a view of the same courtyard. To the left is the other half of the room, a walk-in closet. Inside are our suitcases. Thanks? I guess.

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