Chapter 11

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"I'll share one with Zach" Brianna suggests and walks to Zach who slightly backed up away.
"No you will not be doing that" Jonah says and stops her from getting near him.
"If you want i'll share one with y/n.!Ashley can share one with Brianna since Ash is the only one who is actually close to Bri" Jack says
"Yeah I'm cool with that. Which one is yours Jack" I ask.
"That one" He says and points to the red tent. I walk into it and throw my stuff in
"Aren't you gonna organize your stuff in there?" Corbyn asks
"Mmmm nah that sounds like a problem for future me" I say and smile. Corbyn chuckles and puts his stuff in his tent. Daniel sat next to Zach on a log.Brianna basically dragged Ashley into their tent. Jack was helping Jonah with something so I sat next to Daniel on the log they were sitting on.
"Hey melon boi why so quiet" I ask and lean close to him but not too close and look up at him.
"I don't know I'm not usually the most social person" He responds. I nod my head and look over to see Zach staring at me from the other side over Daniel. I lean my head on Daniel's shoulder and grab his hand.
"I love your rings" I say and take one off his finger.
"Haha thanks that one is from my sister it was a birthday gift" He responds.
"Awwh how sweet. I wish I had a sister" I say and play with his ring.
"Do you not have any?" He asks
"Nope. No brothers either. Or pets" I say
"Wow so it's just you and your parents?" He says. I wasn't usually so fast to open up to people but Daniel seemed like a trustable person so I didn't mind telling him.
"Well most of the time just me and my mom. My dad isn't around that much anymore" I say. I guess the way I said that made me sound sad because he then said
"Sorry to hear that" And puts his arm over my shoulder. "We'll always be here for you tho" He says and gives a cute smile. I smile back. Zach got up and walked into his tent. He seemed mad but what would he be mad about.
"Oh I almost forgot I told my mom I would call her when we got here" I say and get up from where I was sitting. I turn my phone screen on and see I had almost no service "Fuck. Daniel where near here is there decent enough signal to make a call?" I ask. He got up and looked around
"Oh there's usually signal if you walk in that direction" He says and points towards a pathway. "Don't worry you'll be safe there's  a path, it leads to a river just don't fall in" He adds.
"Okay thanks. I'll be back soon" I say and walk into the direction he said.
I kept walking and walking until I finally got service I called her and the phone rang a few times before she picked up.
"Hey mom I just wanted to let you know we got to the campsite and we're safe here so no need to worry. We're getting back Sunday night" I say as soon as she answers the call
"Okay sweetie thanks for letting me know. You should tell your dad foo just so he knows" She suggest.
"Okay I'll call him right now too"
"Ok well I gotta go now bye sweetie have fun! And be careful around those guys I know you said they're nice but you just met them and don't know how they really act-" She says but I cut her off by saying,
"Mom I'll be fine don't worry. You know Jack and you know how great of a person he is."
"I know I just don't want anything bad to happen o you because of them. But bye I love you sweetie" She says
"Bye mom love you too" I say and hang up on the call. I lean against a tree call my dad and the phone rings a lot until it sounded like he picked up
"Hey dad I just wanted to let you know I'm-"
"This caller is unavailable at the moment, please leave a message after the beep"
I hung up. I let out a sigh.
"Of course he wouldn't care enough to answer" I stare down at the ground. 

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