🔧ONESHOT: Just A Dream🔧

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A Teaser of the next Ratchet's Sparkling chapter.

Explosions and fire and ash filled the sky, Comet crying and whimpering as he buried herself in the 'bot carrying him's chassis. Gunfire rang loudly in his audio receptors so loudly the little Sparkling couldn't comprehend what was happening.

Everything had happened so fast. He'd been nice and snug as a bug in his cot. Then suddenly he'd been snatched up and carried quickly out into the night and the loud scary noises had started.

Around him and the one carrying him ran hoards of other 'Bots, and Comet could see the other 'Bots carrying Sparklings through the haze and smoke. They all looked as scared and terrified as him.

Comet looked around as much as he could as he was rushed across the battlefeild, screaming in fear and curling up as a explosion sounded far too close for comfort.

The little boy was so scared, his poor little spark couldn't take it. He just started sobbing.

The rest was a haze for him. Comet felt himself be taken from the one carrying him's arms and be placed in this strange thing. This cold metal thing.

Through his blurred vision little Comet saw the silhouette of a Femme standing there, blue optics watching him. He reached out to the figure with a discontented, frightened cry.

But the figure did not respond to him. Instead a clear surface slid down and seperated them. Comet frowned, crying out to be released.

And then there was this bright blinding light, and the deafening sounds of explosions and screaming clouded all his thoughts and senses. He couldn't help but scream and shriek himself.


The Little Sparkling was brought out of his nightmare by his Sire's worried plea, and he opened his teary optics to see his Sire standing over him, faceplate concerned.

"What's the matter?" Ratchet asked him softly, the light of his optics purging the otherwise dark room like a shimmer of hope.

It took a moment for what had just occurred to Comet to catch up with him, and once it did the shock faded and he just burst out crying.

Ratchet was quick as ever to react, within seconds having his son scooped up and cradled against his chassis, embrace protecting him from whatever had upset him.

"It's alright, it's alright..." Ratchet whispered to him as he carefully rocked him side to side soothingly.

Comet clung to Ratchet's doors on his chassis tightly, faceplate buried in his metal. His tears ran down the doors and it took what seemed like a eternity for Ratchet to calm him.

"It was just a nightmare Comet, nothing more." Ratchet whispered to the Sparkling confidently, his servo finding its way to Comet's helm and stroking it soothingly.

But Comet was sure that it wasn't just a nightmare. It felt different...

Like he'd experienced it for real.


So yeah it's been a while and I suck. The new chapter is coming but I'm busy and sick so I don't know when.

I'm working on it :) but hope you enjoyed this short shitty thing

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