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Céleste still battled with her harsh breaths as she wandered into the Study, Sébastien at her side. Mahogany shelves and emerald cushions welcomed her, and a touch of sunlight swept through a giant window behind the throne-like office chair. Somehow untouched by fire, the room was regal, rich, decadent; a place fit for a King to make laws, sign decrees, and receive honored guests.

But she had no chance to marvel over the décor, as the looks of despair on Antoine's and Prudence's faces broke off her momentary daydreaming. They reminded her of the state of things—not one, but two countries were in trouble.

With a quick glance of encouragement towards Prudence, Antoine grabbed several documents off the desk, then slithered forward and crammed them into Sébastien's hands.

"Fine, but first... read these."

Céleste scurried up to Prudence to offer her what they'd found. "I am sorry, but this is what we discovered in your mother's things."

Prudence's brief wince, her stiffened demeanor, her clenched fists showed that she'd located terrible secrets, too.

"Thank you," she said, squeezing Céleste's upper arm. "And thank you for your help, with everything."


Céleste disagreed. She hadn't done enough, and it pained her to not be able to do more for her.

She peered at Antoine, who leaned against the desk, waiting. His gaze had turned dark, shrouded in rage, fear, confusion. He stayed upright, but his chest yearned to give in to gravity and the smears beneath his eyes showed his exhaustion.

"Oh my God." Prudence thrust the note at Antoine. "It goes with her father's requests, and with what we are now aware of!"

"You mean this?" Sébastien waved the sheet he'd been reading. "So it is true, Avignon dared to seek an alliance with Giroma first? We were second best?"

Céleste took the note from Sébastien and read... and saw her worries increase.

"Adelaide's father petitioned Romain before she came to Torrinni?" She sneered and gave the document to Antoine, who was focused on the message Prudence had given him. "Is this some kind of French strategy? Asking twice?"

The King huffed. "Avignon's strategy, ha! He knew Totresians would continue to decline alliances, as they meant meeting with Napoléon and aiding in his conquests. But Giroma..." He dismissed Prudence's parchment. "Adelaide had a strategy too, oh yes. I will no longer deny Cornelius might have been plotting for a long time to overthrow Romain, but it would not surprise me if Adelaide gave him the final push."

Prudence motioned at the desk. "It makes sense. And from what we found, she and Cornelius and Romain had quite a history. But I fear Romain did not wish to acknowledge it.

The Golden Princess (#4 in the GOLDEN series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now