75.[Two Broken Halves]

Start from the beginning

"Okay, do you want to go back to my place then? Maybe to clear your mind and talk ?"

She agreed.

Ava is currently sitting on Joey's couch with makeup stained cheeks and a heap of sadness inside of her.

"Hey, do you want some water or coffee or anything?" Joey suggested softly trying to be as gentle as he can.

"Water please" she answered and bit her bottom lip to stop the tears from falling.

Her head was in so much pain that it hurt to think.

"Okay, well I'll bring you a blanket or something. You must be cold" he said and she nodded.

The phone caused both of them to jolt.

Ava looked at him with wide eyes.

Joey placed his finger on his lips to shush her. And assure her that he'll take care of it.

"Hello?" He answered.

"I-Is Ava with y-you?" stammered a familiar voice.

"Why? Does it matter if she is or not?" Joey answered.

"Yes it does Joe, please can you tell me if she's ok?"

"J I don't think that's any of your business don't you agree?".

"Damn it, Joe, yes it is. She's my g-girl" Jordan said but stammered at the end.

"You don't sound so sure" Joey pointed out.

"I know I messed up but why didn't you tell me she was coming" Jordan asked growing frustrated.

" it was a surprise. In case you didn't know what that means. You were the last person suppose to know. She missed you and decided to come back to Boston earlier than expected " Joey explained.

"I missed her too" Jordan said his voice brittle.

"Really? Didn't seem like it" Joey sneered.

"Would you have hidden your date if you did know!?" Joey called out.

"This isn't the time or place to be arguing. I just want to know if she's ok and if she made it home safely".

"Fine. Well, she's breathing, she's moving, she's crying. So yeah she is ok. She's feeling a lot of awful things meaning that she is human. But she's very hurt J, I trusted you with her. As a friend, I feel like I failed her. I should've known" Joey spoke.

" I need to see her" Jordan said sounding desperate on the other end.

"Let me ask her" Joey responded pulling away from the phone to look at her.

Ava shook her head.

"She doesn't want to see you" Joey told him.

"I didn't even hear her say no" Jordan pointed out.

"Joey please put me on speaker" he added.

Anything You Ask Of Me: Jordan KnightWhere stories live. Discover now