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Percy's POV

Moms can be really annoying sometimes.

Mine especially. 

Want to know why? Read further and find out!

So, I was just in my cabin at camp when I got an Iris message from mom. It had been around 3 months since the titan war. It went like this;

I was just staring at the ceiling thinking. I know, dangerous, right? Oh well.

"Hey Perce!" My mom chirped baring in mind it was only 8:30 in the morning like what the hell was she so happy about that early in the morning? I'll tell you.

"Oh, hey mom. What are you so happy about?" I asked.

"Oh, well, you know your mortal cousins, right?"

"Yeah, Cleo and... Kim is it? Yeah? Right. Well really, I only know Cleo. I've never met Kim. Why?" I asked, semi knowing where this was going.

"Paul and I decided it would be good to escape for a few months maybe. Leave being a demigod behind for a bit. Visit your cousins and uncle in Australia. You haven't seen each other since you were 2. Plus, you need to meet Kimmy. She's already 13. Cleo's about the same age as you she may be a month or two older I'm not sure. But, the thing is, we're going, that's final. Pack your things. We're leaving tomorrow morning. We'll pick you up from the camp border. We're going by boat, of course, no planes." My mom said in her best 'no arguments' voice.

"B-but what about Annabeth and Grover?" I asked.

"Well, you always have Iris messages, besides, you will only be gone for a couple of months to a year. You'll survive. Obviously, you can visit from time to time but you'll have to figure it out yourself or get your dad to take you. We need this Perce, it's a good opportunity to mix with normal teenagers and have a semi-normal life for once." She told me smiling sadly. "Come on Percy, it'll be fun and good for you to meet new people."

Eventually, I agreed and said goodbye to mom.

I had to tell everyone now. Starting with Annabeth.

I eventually found her in the training arena. "Hey, Wise-girl. I have news."

"Not another quest is it?" She questioned with an eyebrow raised. At the shake of my head, she asked, "Then what is it, I swear to the gods Percy, it better be good news. We just came out of a war, I don't want you leaving me so soon."

"I-I... it's not exactly good for you. Mom thinks it's a good idea to go visit my mortal family in Australia for a couple of months to a year. She said I can still visit occasionally but I'll be going to school there with my cousin. So, I may not get a lot of time to actually visit. We can still I-M and things though. I just have to be careful. I'm leaving first thing tomorrow, before breakfast." I explained avoiding looking into her stormy grey, calculating eyes. 

She said sadly, "Well, Seaweed-brain, you better visit me as much as you possibly can. Also, please I-M me when you get there, please. I swear to the gods if you don't, I'll find a way to hurt you. Tell me everything when you get there. Take pictures and when you do visit show me them. Especially, the architecture. Like the opera house in Sydney. I'll miss you, Percy. It's getting late. Stop by my cabin before you leave tomorrow. Just knock and ask for me, most of us will probably be awake in there anyway. We usually are."

"I will, I promise. Of course, you would want pictures of the architecture Annie. Bye for now, I'm going to see Grover. See you at dinner, I might miss lunch for packing." I waved and gave her a sad smile before leaving to find my curly-haired satyr friend, Grover Underwood.

Cleo's cousin Percy Jackson (H20 and PJO crossover)Where stories live. Discover now