a new project

Depuis le début

"Can you open the door for me and Milano, please? I forgot the keys." He said.

I bursted out laughing and walked up to the door. I opened it and looked at Jamie who stood there with a ridiculous smile on his face. I hung up and put my phone in my pocket.

"You're so stupid." I said.

Jamie pushed me inside and chuckled as he closed the door behind him and Milano. They walked inside the kitchen and put the grocery bags on the counter.

We hired this apartment when Jamie turned eighteen. We both wanted to live by ourselves, but also together. So we and our parents figured it'd be better if we searched for an apartment for us two. Eventually we hired quite a big apartment in Hollywood so we could focus on our jobs and so it'd be easier to travel. We've been living in this apartment for a little over a year now, and we're still happy. In the meantime, Jamie got a boyfriend named Milano. He had a crush on that boy for a few months and eventually it turned out Milano liked him. They ended up together and have been inseparable ever since. Luckily for me, Jamie still knows where he came from and who his true friends are. He ain't the kinda person to give up on his friends and family only to focus on his boyfriend. And Milano is one of the sweetest people I've met. He feels like a second brother to me and I love him.

"Could you find everything I wrote down?" I asked Jamie.

He shook his head and showed me the grocery list he brought with him. Three out of the five things I had written down were not checked yet.

"Seriously, Jamie. How hard is it to find fucking milk?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Apparently hard. I couldn't find shit. Besides that, it was really crowded."

I sighed. "That means I have to eat cereals without milk tomorrow morning." Jamie laughed and threw a bottle of Mountain Dew my way.

I caught it and opened it to take a sip.

"Oh, by the way. I have to tell you something." I said as I sat down on one of the kitchen chairs while Jamie and Milano were busy unpacking the grocery bags.

Jamie frowned.

"Oh?" He said.

"So, my boss called me this morning and he said he assigned me to someone special. He also mentioned that I really have to focus on this one and that I have to do everything they say. I have to start tomorrow. I'm nervous as fuck, guys." I said.

The thought of me fucking up everything for good gave me the chills. If that happens, I'll get fired and Jamie won't be able to pay the rent on his own which also means we have to go back to Downey.

Milano leaned on the counter and looked at me.

"You know, Lay, don't stress out on this one. You've always been able to maintain your nerves with assignments, so you can do it now as well." He said.

Jamie nodded in agreement as he came standing next to Milano.

"Yes, and I've told you many times your work is phenomenal. Don't stress, get excited and have fun with this assignment." He said.

I smiled.

"I love you guys." I said.

"We know you do." They said in unison.

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