Chapter 34: Security

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The prince had awakened with a gorgeous man sleeping beside him. Laying his eyes upon him, the memory of last night gushed inside his head, making a pinkish-red tint appear on his cheeks.

Quietly, slipping out of the bed, he took a bath and dressed up. He then prepared breakfast because Sandy has a time off for a week. Before leaving, prince Taehyung left the food on the bedside table together with a note saying that he'll go somewhere and be back as soon as he can.

Meanwhile, at the mansion, the princess was eating breakfast with Jennie— Her fever was gone.

Three women entered the dining area. One of them said, “Pardon me for interrupting your meal princess, but you have visitors.”

Wiping her mouth with a napkin, Jisoo spoke. “No, it’s fine gran gran... Hello officers. What may have caused your presence here this early in the morning?

But none of them were able to speak for themselves due to someone butting in the conversation. I offered them a job... Anyway, good morning. How are you feeling?

I'm feeling great. Thank you for asking. Anyway, is someone missing again? What are you wanting them to do for you? Jisoo curiously questioned.

“No, no one’s missing. What I’m asking them to do is to be your security until Mr. Yang is arrested. Of course, STRICTLY PROFESSIONAL. He emphasized the words while looking at the redhead. The latter averted her eyes down. What was she supposed to do? She was caught in a complicated love-triangle.

First time falling in love and it has to be with a princess that has her prince already. ‘How great my life can be?’ She thought.

So, what do you think? The prince traded stares with the two.

My sister and I discussed it last night and our answer is no. We both think that it’s not a good idea. Limario resolved.

Why not!? Princess Jisoo crossed her arms as she pouted her lips.

Limario chuckled before saying, We are trained to lurk and kill, not to patrol and monitor.

“Please, I insist. You are the best and the most trustworthy people in this country. I know you are capable of keeping the princess safe even if you are not trained for it.” Taehyung affirmed.

The two agents looked at each other, communicating without using words.

Okay, but we have four conditions. Limario began. For someone who disagreed, she was quick on having policies sorted out.

“I see... Tell me then. Taehyung urged.

First, Chaeyoung will be princess Jisoo’s bodyguard. Second, allow me to make some new security protocols around the mansion. Limario said.

Chaeyoung flashed her a confused look because it was supposed to be the other way around. Nonetheless, she continued where the blonde had left off. “Third, we should know the princess’ agendas beforehand so we can prepare. No sneaking out. Dont worry, strictly professional. She stared at the prince while saying the last part.

Lastly, we will only do our duty here from one in the afternoon to five in the morning.” Limario wrapped up.

The prince furrowed his eyebrows. And why is that?

“Our main objective is to arrest that nasty fat man. We cannot just sit around, waiting for him to show himself.” Limario explained.

“Hmm... Okay, you got yourself a deal,Prince Taehyung extended his hand, shaking hands with two. “You can start now. Bye~ And just like that, the prince was gone, leaving everyone baffled.

The sisters were in Teagan's office, making whatever they do.

Lisa, do you think we can do this?” Chaeng asked. Her mind was full of doubts due to the fact that it was not their field.

Maybe, maybe not. We just need to give it our best shot,” Limario held her shoulders. “Look, this is a privilege granted to us by the next king himself... To safeguard the royal blood is something we can be proud of for the rest of our lives plus, don’t you want to be the one to protect the next queen?

I want to but...Chaeng took a deep breath. “Yeah, you are right.

Patting Chaeyoung's shoulder, the two went back to what they were doing.

On the other hand, princess Jisoo's in her room along with Jennie.

Princess, are you okay? You seem trouble. The brunette assessed.

With knitted eyebrows, the princess raised questions, Jen, did I kissed her in front of everyone? Or was I dreaming?” The incident was unclear because of her high fever yesterday.

The brunette smiled. You did kiss her.

Jisoo's face turned red. R-really? Are you for real?

Jennie nodded her head. Yup. Positive.The smile on her face vanished. “SHIT!” The next thing that happened made her body froze.

HELP! (Chaesoo|Jenlisa)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz