Chapter Thirty-Two: Every Ending is Also A Beginning

Start from the beginning

"You know, I've spent the last four years without anyone around to look after me." I pointed out.Aaron nodded.

"I know that, but..." I raised my eyebrows. "You look really pretty. Can we go now?" I laughed, stepping forward and pressing a brief kiss to his lips before walking out the door.


We got to David's house to find that he had gone all out for Will and JJ's surprise wedding. Caterers, tables, music, the works.

We walked past the employee who opened the door, coming into the room to find Penelope, Emily and Morgan. Penelope turned around to face us, looking frazzled.

"Hi, Penelope." I greeted.

"Hello, hello, Hi." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Hello." Aaron said awkwardly as she walked past him.


"I'm just...not going to question that, Hi Emily."

"Hi. Nice to see you under less strenuous circumstances."

"Yeah, no kidding. Hey, Derek." I turned to Morgan.

"Hey, Elizabeth. What's up, Hotch?" he looked down at the kids. "Oh look who it is, the little man Jack and the lovely Charlotte and Sadie. Give me some, all of you." They all high-fived him, giggling. "Hey, guess what, they got a really cool fountain right over there. You guys wanna check it out with me?"

"Sure." Jack said while the girls nodded in agreement. Morgan looked at me.

"Assuming that's ok with the Mama?"

"Yeah, I'll come too." I said. I rubbed Aaron's arm before following Morgan and the kids outside. he followed us out a few minutes later, coming to stand beside me. "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well because Emily's hiding her emotions and pretending that nothing's wrong, and your mouth is doing that thing where it turns up at the end when you have a bad feeling about something." He raised his eyebrows.

"Ok, I thought I was the profiler."

"Its in my blood." He smiled, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"You really do look beautiful tonight." He said quietly, pressing his mouth to the side of my head.

"Thank you. So do you." He smiled and I looked over to see Reid showing Henry, Jack, and the girls a magic trick. I smiled, shifting my gaze to where Penelope, and the woman Aaron called Erin yesterday were talking, and then to Morgan, Emily, and a few of the other guests I hadn't been acquainted with yet.

"What are you thinking about?" Aaron asked. I moved my eyes back to him. I shook my head.


"You bite your lip when you have something on your mind." He pointed out. I stopped biting my lip, leaning into his side. I opened my mouth to tell him when David announced the wedding was starting. JJ's Mom walked her down the isle, wearing her mother's wedding dress. She looked gorgeous. I stood beside Aaron, all three of the kids standing in front of us. Charlotte and Sadie looked star struck and the sight of a wedding, and I had a feeling there was going to be a lot of bride dress up in my future. I smiled as JJ leaned down and kissed Henry before he gave them the rings.


We all sat down to dinner and just talked, and ate and enjoyed each other's company. I was talking to Emily about some of the kids in my class when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to face JJ and Will.

"I suppose we have you to thank for this day." She said. "if it weren't for you, there's a chance we wouldn't have found him in time."

"Not to mention you saving my butt in the bank." Will added.

"Its what anyone else would have done." I said, usnure of how to respond.

" isn't. Your quick thinking is the reason that my boyfriend is alive to become my husband." I smiled at her.

"Well, consider it my wedding present to you." She laughed, grabbing my good arm and pulling me up so that they could both hug me. I laughed uncomfortably before pulling away and sitting down just as David began tapping his champagne glass. He stood up.

"They say that good things happen to good people. Today is one of those days, and these are two of those people. We love you."

"Cheers." We all went around clinking glasses.

"Also, one more thing." Derek stood up. "i just want to also take a minute to toast Elizabeth Bartlett who despite being in a...compromising situation yesterday," He glanced at the kids, sugar coating it, "Is here looking beautiful as ever. You're a lucky many, Hotch." I rolled my eyes, and everyone laughed. Aaron put his hand on my knee under the table.

"Don't I know it." He said quietly to me. I smiled and he squeezed my leg.


After dinner, everyone slow danced. And I mean, everyone. I went from Aaron, to Morgan, to Reid, to David, and then back to Morgan again, and everyone else switched off dancing with each other.

Aaron held my injured arm in his hand, and his opposite arm was wrapped around my waist, pressing me against him. His cheek was pressed against my forehead, and I found myself looking around and revisiting my thoughts from before. He pulled back, looking at me.

"You wanna tell me what's on your mind now?" He asked softly, running his thumb lightly over my spine. I just looked up at him with tears in my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing, I..." I moved my hand from his shoulder and wiped away a tear that fell. "I'm just thinking about...people."

"People?" I nodded.

"Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life." I said simply. "And for me, that truly is saying a lot, but I know I'm not the only one here who shares that experience and...well, look around Aaron." He did so. "Humans have this absolutely insane ability to face hardship, and tragedy, and the horrors of the world and not only survive them, but...come back even stronger as individuals and more unified as a group than ever before. And I'm thinking that because even after the disaster that was yesterday...right now, in this moment, with you and all of our friends...I am happier than I have ever been."I met Aaron's eyes again to see that he was crying now too. "Aaron..."

"I love you." We stopped swaying and my eyes widened. "I know, we haven't been together very long but...if yesterday and everything with Haley taught me anything, its that life is too short to not tell people how you feel about them, so...Elizabeth Bartlett, I love you."

"I love you too, Aaron Hotchner." I reached up, wiping a tear away from his face. Suddenly, pairs of little arms wrapped around our legs and we looked down to see Charlotte, Sadie, and Jack, wanting to join in the dance.  I laughed.

I've always heard every ending is also a beginning and we just don't know it at the time. I'd like to believe that's true.

~~~End Of Book One~~~

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