Chapter 7

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It had been a while since Pucca and Ring-Ring first came to Sooga, and things have been looking rather well. Unfortunately, the group only found a few minor hints about Sooga's past. But on the bright side, the Goh-Rong restaurant became very popular throughout the entire village as a whole!

Today was the Mooncake festival, also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival. The restaurant of Goh-Rong is selling out mooncakes everywhere, and people are having their fun. They ARE worried about an exploding volcano though, which is a legend in which a moonstone has to be standing on top of a stack of mooncakes standing near the window to prevent it.

But no one has ever really witnessed the volcano exploding before, which meant that the chefs were doing a pretty good job in keeping the mooncake pile and the moonstone in tact. The villagers continued to roam around the village, watching different booths and wearing festival clothing. This village has more than one festival. They have the mooncake festival, the kite festival, the Zanshochan festival, and so much more!

"Oh, look at you cuties! Would you like to buy one of my special things~?"

A strange man's voice caught the attention of Pucca and her friends, and they turned around to see where he was. He was a booth owner, skinny and old.

He had a beautiful pet parrot resting inside of a cage. Like always, Pucca knew who this man was. Tatari Meka. He's rather infamous around the village for his "cursed" and "wicked" works that are filled with "sorcery", at least that's what the people say about him.

"Uh... no we don't, Meka-oppa." Abyo said, almost in his usual sarcastic mannerism of speaking. "We wouldn't want to buy any of your cursed things!"

"Abyo! Don't be mean!" Ching exclaimed. "Uh... we're sorry, Meka-laofu. We're not sure if our parents would allow us to buy your stuff..."

"Aww, that's a shame." Tatari sighed. "No one ever buys my stuff..."

"If you really want people to buy your stuff, then sell something NORMAL!" Abyo exclaimed. "Like food, or something. Wait no, I take that back. Even if you sell food, it'd still be cursed, wouldn't it?"

Tatari was someone who had always been interested in the supernatural. He continues to sell either good luck charms saying they're from Heaven or bad luck charms saying they come from Hell.

The only reason why he's so desperate to be involved with the supernatural is because he's never seen supernatural beings with his own eyes. He had been this way ever since he was a kid and he never stopped reading books about the topic. People around Sooga believe that he can be rather strange, but they accept him regardless.

"Don't underestimate the supernatural, Abyo-kun." Tatari said. "If you knew the truth about this village, you wouldn't be so shocked if you were me."

"Truth about this village?" Abyo questioned him. "We've been trying to search for that for months!"

"Well, honestly, I do not mind telling you the truth. That is, if you promise you can handle it."

"Who says we can't handle it? Right, guys? We are the most powerful beings in Sooga! We can handle anything!"

Since all of them were curious about Sooga's dark secret, all of them nodded at Abyo's words. Noticing this, the man named Tatari sighed deeply.

He believed that these kids didn't even know what kind of story was awaiting them. But at the same time, all of them were eager to know what was going on. And if he doesn't say anything, they'd continue to pester him anyway, so he opened his mouth.

"This is a popular myth in Sooga Village that only the adults know." Tatari said. "It is said that, every one thousand nine hundred ninety nine years in this village, someone will die on the night of this festival. And that someone will always come from the village."

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