From the beginning

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I don't want to bore you with long stories of when I was a kid so I'll just add little by little every time I get a chance. So let's start from the beginning,

I was really small when I was born which made me be incubated for a small amount of time. You see, I was suppose to be born in November but I was born September. Only being 7 months ready caused me problems. Supposedly I had heart problems so I had a heart monitor on me just in case.. You know.. It stopped beating. I also had asthma till I was ten, but I still have a small problem breathing. Being born so small did not help me in life. As I grew everyone and I mean EVERYONE was still taller than me. Being teased by my height did not cope with me. But I've gotten use to it... Most of the times. I still get teased even though there's shorter people around me. Either way I try not to let my height get the best of me. I kind of like being short. I can fit in small places and look cute doing it!! Haha

In the beginning I said that I wanted to help those who felt alone well here I am. The reason I'm telling you this is because if your feeling down because of your image like your height.. Don't . You're unique in your own way and people love you for that. Thanks for getting to know me. Maybe one day I'll get to know you guys too.

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