Graduation Present

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Pansy finished wrapping her present to Ron and smiled. She couldn't wait for him to open it. She knew he was going to love it. She stood and grabbed the present before heading into the living room to wait. Ron was at Quidditch practice but would be back any minute. She set the present down on the coffee table then sat down on the couch. A few minutes later, the entrance door opened and in walked Ron.

"Hey babe" she said.

"Hey, I thought you were going to hang out with the girls?" He said.

"We did but I came home early because I needed to wrap your present." She said.

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"Think of it as a graduation present." She said handing him the bag with the present in it. Ron sat down next to her and opened the bag before pulling out the first thing. It was a card that said "Your pull out game is weak, happy father's day" Ron was confused but then his eyes widen. He looked in the bag and saw a Star Wars baby onesies that said "I am your baby"

"Are you really?" He asked. Pansy smiled and nodded. Ron smiled and grabbed her, pulling her on to his lap as his present fell to the floor. Ron kissed his wife before pulling her shirt up a little so it revealed her belly before leaning down and kissing it.

"I can't wait to meet you little one." He said.

"Both your Mummy and your Daddy already love you so much." Pansy said.

"Speaking of Mummy and Daddy, have you told anyone yet?" Ron asked.

"No, you are the first to know" she said.

"My mum is going to flip"

"Same here" Pansy said. The both grinned before leaning in and kissing.

"Thank you" Ron said after a few minutes

"For what?" She asked.

"For giving me happiness and joy and for the amazing gift you are giving me." He said making her smile.

"I should be thanking you for the same thing." She said.

"You don't have to thank me for that. It was a pleasure getting to make you happy and the baby was a bonus." Ron said. Pansy smiled before standing up and picking up the bag that dropped.

"I have a present for my mum and your parents to tell them we are having a baby." She said. A knock on the door made them both jump. Pansy quickly hid the baby stuff back in the bag before Ron stood up and walked over to the door and opened it to reveal the people they were just talking about. Ron let Arthur, Molly and Katherine, who had finally left the prejudice husband and since she was Narcissa age was matched up.

Katherine cried for a hour straight when she was paired up with a fifteen year old from Ravenclaw named Elijah. The kid wasn't happy about it either but he knew he rather marry a older woman then lose his magic and be kicked out of the Wizarding World. They were to be married when Elijah turned sixteen in a few months.

"Why aren't you two in your graduation gowns?" Molly asked with her hands on her hips, giving them a disapproving look. Ron joined Pansy by the couch before turning to his parents.

"We got you guys a little gift." Pansy said before moving to the kitchen to grab two bags off the counter before rejoining everyone in the living room. She handed her mother a bag before handing Molly the other one. They opened the bags and pulled out the only thing in the bag. It was a white onesie that said "Surprise, you're going to be grandparents" They watched as their parents teared up before hugging them both.

"Have you seen a healer yet?" Molly asked.

"Yeah, I went to confirm the pregnancy this morning since I was getting the symptoms and they said I am a few weeks pregnant and the estimated due date is February sixth." Pansy said.

"We are all so happy for you two." Kathrine said.

"Thanks mum" Pansy said.

"Sorry to break the happy moment but graduation starts in fifteen minute." Arthur said. Pansy and Ron quickly went and put on their gowns before making sure everything was packed and ready to be taken to the retreat. They then took one last look at their room before sending their stuff to their new house.
After the ceremony was over, the gang found each other through the crowd and hugged.

"I can't believe we graduated." Harry said.

"What are we going to do now?" Gabrielle said.

"I don't know about you guys but for the next nine months Pansy and I will be busy getting ready to be parents." Ron said making everyone's eyes widen.

"No freaking way, I'm going to be an aunt." Ginny said before grabbing Pansy and pulling her into a hug.

"Careful Ginny" Ron said.

"It's okay, I'm fine" Pansy reassured him. Ginny let go and looked at her brother.

"Get a lot of sleep during these next nine months because after that you won't be getting any for the next eighteen years." She joked.

"Thanks for the advice sis" he sarcastically.

Hey guys sorry for the absence, I got a new job and so I have been busy and just to tired to right.

Also I don't think I will do the babies birth chapter. I'm not sure about some stuff so bare with me while I figure it out

 I'm not sure about some stuff so bare with me while I figure it out

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
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