Shiraz for Three

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The bold plum colouring of the wine mesmerises Ava as she swirls the aromatic liquid slowly in her glass. She sighs with content as she reclines onto her side against the comfortably cushioned arm of the daybed, basking in the spices as they drift to fill her senses.

Ava languidly runs her tongue over her lips and smiles serenely to herself. The concoction of flavours is pleasantly complimentary. Initially, the spiced plums of the shiraz dance across her tastebuds; but this quickly blends with the remnants of Merida's sex, which reminds Ava of a sour yet rich cherry pie. She swallows another sip of wine, grinning as the doorbell rings.

Merida rushes out of the kitchen unnecessarily, wine glass also in hand, with her beautifully long, thick auburn curls bouncing and swaying as she does so. Ava can hear Merida's giggling mix with a familiar male voice that's sultry in its baritone pitch as they make their way from the front door to the lounge room.

"Ava, Danny's here!" Merida announces with glee, wrapping her arms around his ribcage as his hand casually nestles into the cinch of her naked waist.

"So I see," Ava chuckles in reply, "How're things with you, Danny?" she asks turning her smiling gaze to him. Danny shrugs his shoulders, making Merida's small, perky breasts press against his waist, as he runs his hand gently up and down her side.

"I can't complain really. Work is busy but not unbearable, and the renovations on the apartment are going well. And yourself?"

"The same, things are finally settling down with the move to go out on my own. I just have to hope that my new team can keep up the momentum across all of our projects." Ava takes a sip of her wine, the talk of menial things dampening her buzz just a little, "But enough about all that, I believe that you're a little overdressed for our gathering. Wouldn't you agree, M?"

"I definitely agree!" Merida replies playfully, looking up into Danny's eyes as she slides herself around to hug him front-on. Danny grins widely down at Merida – whose already petite frame, in comparison to Danny's tall, slim physique, becomes tiny and doll-like – with his hands now fanned on either side of her bare lower back.

"That makes three of us," he laughs unabashedly. "Why don't I go have a quick shower first then come out and join you both?" Merida nods her approval then pushes herself up onto her toes to kiss him affectionately as if he were her favourite teddy bear before heading back into the kitchen. Danny and Ava both watch her go, both admiring the way her arse jiggles with each step.

"We'll have your wine waiting," Ava assures him as he walks behind the daybed, his soft but firm palm gliding gently across her shoulders as he knowingly walks toward the ensuite bathroom.

With another deep sigh of content, Ava finishes the last of her wine. Thankfully, Merida reappears with a new bottle and a glass for Danny in one hand while she sips from her own with the other. Sitting on the edge of the daybed, Merida opens the bottle and refills Ava's glass.

"What are you thinking?" Merida asks with a cocked eyebrow.

"I know that tone, M, what do you mean?" she counters jokingly with an exaggerated look of concern.

"You know exactly what, missy!" Merida cries chirpily, "You look very pleased with yourself. Are you and Danny planning something again?"

"Ha! You wish we had something planned!" Ava laughs evilly before cupping Merida's soft jawline with her palm so that she can look into her sea green eyes. "I'm just very happy. I love our little get togethers with Danny, and I love watching you play with him."

Merida rests her head into Ava's palm and returns her contented smile as she traces lines around her lover's collarbone and chest with her fingertips, deliberately avoiding Ava's immensely soft, full breasts for fear of becoming distracted. She too loved that Ava was so open with their relationship and willing to share her with Danny. Many of Merida's previous partners had sought to keep her to themselves out of a deranged sense of jealousy and ownership; but Ava trusted her and actually enjoyed seeing Merida play with others.

Ava quietly brings Merida's mouth to hers, their lips pressing together gently at first then more deeply as Merida relaxes her body into Ava's.

Before long, Danny re-emerges into the lounge room, wearing nothing but a bath towel wrapped around his hips. Silently he sits down on the rug in front of Merida and Ava, reaching for the bottle of wine so as to pour himself a glass.

Most men feel the need to become involved immediately to secure their masculinity. But Danny, on the other hand, found much more pleasure in observing the sensual intimacy and beauty of the two women in front of him. Ava's olive skin tone combined with her voluptuous hourglass figure and long, raven black hair made her a demi-goddess in Danny's eyes; especially now with her body draped regally along the length of the daybed. Meanwhile, Merida's creamy white skin, elfin frame and wild, vibrant red hair gave him fantasies of a delicate forest faery. Danny shifts his position, leaning back on the heel of one hand to widen his legs, as he sips his wine so that his thickening cock can do so more freely beneath the towel.

Ava breaks away from Merida; her cheeks a flush of pink, to look at Danny with a playful expression.

"Feeling better?" she asks with a smirk.

"Much better, thank you. As always, I envy your hot water system." he jokes in a mockingly sombre tone, raising his glass to them both before taking another drink.

"You're welcome to come over any time," Ava chuckles in reply before also taking a sip from her glass.

"This wine is amazing; it has so much body to it. Is it a shiraz?" Danny asks casually. Ava nods her confirmation as her hand lightly massages Merida's back absentmindedly.

"It was a gift from a client; he gave me a carton of them. So you're welcome to take one with you later."

"Thank you, I will." he replies appreciatively, before grinning mischievously at Merida. "How does it taste to you, M?" Not missing a beat, Merida dips her head back to Ava to kiss her passionately before replying.

"I think it tastes better from Ava's tongue than it does from the glass, the flavour of the plums is richer."

"But what about from mine? Do you think it might be different?" he counters daringly before draining the last mouthful of wine from his glass.

Merida's eyes flash almost hungrily at Danny before she swiftly moves from the edge of the daybed to straddle his hips, the hair of her pubic mound tickling his skin softly upon impact. With both hands, she rakes her slim fingers up his neck to cradle his head and bring his mouth to hers. At first Merida kisses him lightly which, in spite of her lingering tongue that barely flicks at his lips, releases the spice of the shiraz immediately. She takes his bottom lip between her own soft, slim lips to suck it gently, causing Danny to groan softly in response. He puts his glass aside and wraps his arms completely around Merida; unable to hold back the urge, he kisses her fervently, desperate to taste more of her. After a few moments, Danny pulls Merida back so that their mouths part. Immediately an exhale of breath escapes them both as they look into each other's eyes intently, their chests heaving slightly with anticipation.

"And what is your verdict, M?" Ava asks huskily. She can feel her cunt becoming moist again but she fights the need to touch it.

"It's different from Danny, but not better. The wine tastes spicier, like I've just taken a sip after eating a curry." she replies matter-of-factly, her eyes still not leaving Danny's face as if she were trying to process the science behind it all.

Danny breaks his gaze with her to grin mischievously at Ava, "Does that mean I win?"

"It's a tie!" Merida exclaims playfully as she hits him in the chest. Ava takes another sip of wine and places the glass aside before joining her lovers on the rug, kneeling closely behind Danny.

"I think I'd like a taste too, I'm quite curious myself." Ava slithers her hands down Danny's chest and up again, catching his chin and forcing him to look at her. Ava lets her lips linger at the precipice of Danny's mouth, barely grazing his lips. He can feel the warmth of her breath, he can't resist. Within the same moment, Ava and Danny kiss each other ravenously but without haste, their tongues deeply caressing each other's mouths in exploration.

Merida's long nipples harden as she watches Ava and Danny, their lips moving in unison while their tongues sensuously take turns to massage the other. She leans into Danny's chest, the rising heat from his skin soothing her nipples' need for contact, and begins nibbling at his neck with her lips. Within moments, Danny's free hand tenderly runs up the back of Merida's thigh to her arse, gripping it firmly. She purrs her approval and begins to rock her hips and pussy against the hardness of Danny's towel-covered cock.

Ava breaks away from Danny's kiss wordlessly to sit up onto her knees, she kneads her breasts gently in front him before placing her left nipple into his mouth. Immediately he suckles at it, flicking the tip with his tongue indulgently. Danny releases her nipple briefly to suck on the underside of Ava's breast with his lips, desperate to devour it and cover his face with the weight of her large breast. He affectionately nuzzles his face towards her sternum so that both breasts consume him. Ava rakes her fingernails gently through Danny's hair as he nibbles and bites tenderly at her right breast before sucking deeply at her nipple, tearing from her a husky groan of pleasure.

The wet juices of Merida's sex coat the towel as she grinds her hips into Danny's. But in her need to feel his skin against hers more, Merida shuffles away and down his body – unravelling the towel to free Danny's long, throbbing cock. Always fascinated by penises in such a state, she softly traces a line down the length of Danny's cock with her fingertip. She smirks when she hears Danny breathlessly moan, loving the reaction her touch creates. Merida continues down to his balls carefully, she feels them tighten slightly in anticipation as she cups them in the palm of her hand to feel their weight, she wants to suck them. But she's distracted by a small river of pre-come that has run down the length of Danny's shaft. She feels her knees weaken. She needs to taste it, drink it in. Merida licks her lips eagerly before taking a long, luxuriously slow lick from the base of Danny's shaft to the tip of his cock with the flat of her tongue, catching every drop of pre-come.

Danny's entire body tightens and relaxes all at once as soon as Merida's tongue strokes his achingly erect cock. He dares to look down at Merida's face between his legs; her lips and tongue opulently seem to worship his cock as they ensure that every millimetre of it has been licked and kissed. Danny's balls tighten and tingle as her lips suck at the head of his cock; he knows what she'll do next. But as Merida slips the head, then slowly as much as of the shaft of his cock as she can take into her mouth in one smooth movement, he can't help but feel as though he's floating and falling simultaneously. It's a wave of ecstasy that washes over him as her tongue massages his shaft in harmony with the continued pressure of her lips.

Unable to resist any longer, Ava rubs her pussy lips lightly with her thumb as she watches Merida expertly suck Danny's cock. She feels the familiar, aching need to be filled increasing every time his taut, glistening, pre-come covered cock slips easily into Merida's mouth. Ava dips her head down to suckle on Danny's earlobe to remind him of her presence; Danny moans deeply in response as both of his erogenous zones are sucked at the same time.

Desperate to distract himself from the brink of orgasm, Danny lies back onto the rug slowly and reaches out for Ava's wide, curvaceous hips. Ava grins sultrily as she bites her bottom lip, all too aware of the sudden throbbing of her clit as she positions her pussy above Danny's face. His big, firm hands slide up her thighs to grab her plump arse cheeks and pull her dripping wet pussy to his mouth. As soon as his tongue laps at her labia, a guttural sigh of delight erupts from Ava. Danny finds himself thirsty for Ava's juices as he takes leisurely long licks from the opening of her cunt to the tip of her erect clit. He smiles to himself as he feels her gently fucking his face. Danny holds her hips still for a moment so that Ava's clit is perfectly positioned over his mouth, he extends his tongue to quickly flicker against it, which instantly makes Ava want to jerk her hips away, but he holds her cunt firmly against his face. Eventually, after a few minutes of teasing Ava's clit this way, Danny steadies his tongue's flickers to an even pace as he feels Merida's mouth pull away from his cock.

With her chin and lips still glistening with a mix of his pre-come and her saliva, Merida slides herself up to straddle Danny's ribs behind Ava, rubbing her soaking cunt against Ava's arse cheeks with every thrust of her hips. Ava throws her head back as she leans into Merida's body to kiss her hungrily, relishing having tongues in two of her orifices.
Unable to resist the rhythmic bouncing of Ava's breasts, Merida reaches around her lover to pinch her nipples, hard. Ava immediately cries out wordlessly, her cunt throbbing deeply from within her, as she grabs a fistful of Danny's hair to fuck his mouth eagerly as if she were riding a galloping horse.

Tendrils of pre-come ooze from Danny's cock as soon as Ava's cries of bliss erupt from her; he can feel his cock twitching, begging to be touched. And, as if she had read his mind, within moments Danny feels Merida's delicate fingers wrap around his cock – softly at first, then more purposefully, using the thick coating of pre-come as a lubricant.

In the haze of their fucking, Ava's eyes connect with Danny's. She can see the light in his eyes, the fascination and eagerness to be consumed by the raw, sexual elements of this moment. Gently, Ava pulls Danny's mouth away from her cunt.

Merida takes Ava's place astride Danny as she kisses him, savouring the mixture of Ava's cunt with the hint of wine that remains on his tongue. Meanwhile, Ava's fingers have replaced Merida's as she expertly works the shaft of Danny's cock, causing him to slowly buck his hips upward to the rhythm of her hand as it massages him.

For the second time, Danny feels close to orgasm; the culmination of Merida's long, hard nipples rubbing against his chest as she kisses him while Ava dips her head to suck lightly on his balls enough to make him want to give in to the urge. With ease, he holds Merida firmly by her arse cheeks as he sits up, moving his hips gently away from Ava.

Grinning like a Cheshire cat, Ava positions herself on the edge of the daybed, her legs wide, and her pussy waiting. Danny turns Merida around to face Ava, kissing and biting at her neck and shoulders as she grinds her wet cunt against the underside of his cock.

Confidently, Merida places her hands on Ava's spread knees to support herself as she leans forward to kiss her lover deeply. The excitement emanating from Ava is contagious; Merida knows she can't wait to see Danny fuck her. She continues to kiss and nibble down Ava's body with her lips, Danny's hands tenderly grapple her hips to guide her down onto his rock-hard cock, until she reaches Ava's drenched cunt.

Both Danny and Merida sigh piercingly with contented pleasure as his cock is slowly and smoothly consumed by her tight, warm pussy. Keeping with the momentum, Merida slides two fingers into Ava's cunt, generating the same response. In unison, the three lovers fuck in time; Danny withdraws partially before re-entering carefully – watching with breathless wonder as his engorged cock pushes between Merida's creamy white lips – while Merida's groans of ecstasy reverberate against Ava's clit with each long lick, her fingers fucking her with the same care as Danny's cock.

Ava arches her back then pushes her hips into Merida's mouth as she feels the heat rising in her cheeks and cunt equally. Danny watches Ava fleetingly; he can see she's close to coming, which only causes him to get closer to orgasm himself. He begins to thrust into Merida more deeply, more quickly. Immediately Merida groans loudly, pushing her hips down onto his cock steadily, her pussy clenching and unclenching Danny's cock of its own accord.

Abruptly, Ava's pussy grips Merida's fingers as they press against the inner walls of her cunt, the orgasm clouds her consciousness, she's coming. In a ripple of erotic unison, Merida rubs her clit in a circular motion furiously with her free hand as Danny fucks her pussy harder – his cock completely enveloped by it with every thrust – grunting like an animal in heat into Ava's cunt as she comes with Danny and feels his come explode within her.

The three lovers pant heavily against one another, each trying to find their way down from the high of their orgasm. Ava is the first to recover as she runs her fingers lovingly through Merida's curls gently to soothe her.

Delicately, Danny eases his cock from Merida's pussy before reaching for his empty glass and the bottle of wine. With a soft laugh and an exhausted grin, he asks, "More wine, anyone?"

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