Michelle and Caleb

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            I pace back and forth in the nearly empty room, only filled with a bed, dresser, and my suitcase, while the Director’s voice blares from the phone speaker.

            “Is the package secured?”

            “Yes.  The tracking chip is secured and I’ll know where he is at all times, especially when I’m not with him.”

             “I should hope so.  Are you finding your arrangements to your liking?” she asks with a hint of smugness.

            Originally, I had thought that Caleb and I would be staying in a hotel or something like that, so I had gotten so excited.  As it turns out, we’re staying at a sister undercover agency with Michelle.  How boring

            But I won’t let the Director have the satisfaction of knowing that I’m disappointed.  “Very much so.”  I paused, wondering if I should ask about Agent 0013.  “I was wondering about Agent 0013?  You said that he left our agency and probably told all of our secrets.  Why haven’t the other agents been alerted that a code red has occurred?  And how could you have no information on him or her if they had once been at our agency?  I need answers Director.”

            For a moment, the woman says nothing and all I hear is her shallow breathing on the other line.  Breaking the curious silence she sighs, “Alex, you are much smarter than I gave you credit for.”  She pauses once more as if waiting for me to thank her for her flattery.  Her compliments mean nothing to me.  “The truth is, is that Agent 0013 died 18 years ago, his real name was Vincent Reynolds.  He left our agency and created his own opposing agency that goes against everything we stand for.  You do know what we stand for right Alex?”

            “Political, social, and economic equality for all,” I mumble.  All agents have those seven words etched into their hearts and minds.

            “Right.  So they fight for corruption and evil.  Haven’t you ever wondered why the American economy is in such ruins?  The opposing agency does that, and we have to fix it.”

            “That’s great and all,” I say sarcastically, extremely irritated she is acting as if her lie was nothing important.  “But why did you lie to me about the existence Agent 0013?”

            “I didn’t lie, Agent 0013 still exists today, through his son/daughter.  You still have to be cautious because we don’t any information of the offspring.  At the moment, all our agency knows is that the offspring is working against us and therefore is a threat.”

            As I end the call, I don’t feel very reassured.  For some unexplainable reason, my stomach churns at the explanation delivered to me, as if warning me that it’s a lie.  This then brings up the question: Should I believe the Director?  Violently, I shake the treacherous thoughts from my mind.  Although, the Director and I never have gotten along because of my need to question my authority, she would never lie to me.  She’s much too passionate about what the agency stands for.  So against what my heart tells me, I choose to believe her.


            A soft knock on the door tears my attention away from my AP History notes.  Seriously, why take notes on people who are dead?  Obviously, I welcomed the distraction.

            “It’s open!” I shout as I put away my notes.

            The door opens and I’m only mildly surprised to see that it’s Michelle.

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