You're Even More So Like You

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A sigh left his lips as he found himself heading back to the apartment. He was hoping Minho would come with him this time, but he was way too stubborn. Key in hand, he approached the door, deciding he would knock first as not to scare Jinki if he was still home. With no response, he unlocked the door and walked in, as quietly as possible.

It was a habit of his to keep his footsteps quiet, and as he entered the hall and saw one door ajar he was thankfully for that habit. He tried to listen for talking or other footsteps, but all he heard was faint music.

Curiosity got the best of him, and he found himself peeking into the dim lit room. A light chuckle came out of him as he smiled at the sight.

"You're cute when you sleep" He mumbled to himself and left the room.

He continued down the hall, stopping in front of Minho's room. He turned the door knob and was surprised when it opened easily.

"He should really get a lock" Another mumbled thought, another habit of his.

He pushed it open and walked in, scanning the room for a second, trying to remember where Minho said it was.

"Open the side table drawer... taped above.." He followed the actions as he said them, finding the flash drive he was looking for, "Safe but kinda cliche"

That's when he heard footsteps behind him.

He turned around and was relieved to find it was only Jinki. Oh wait, Jinki with a bat.

"What are you doing here?" Jinki asked, voice shaky.

"Okay, I know this looks bad, but Minho asked me to grab this for work" Kibum confessed, but Jinki didn't put the bat down.

"Why should I believe you?" Jinki waved the bat at him and Kibum scoffed.

"Because, I have Minho's key, he forgot the flash drive this morning while he was busy with you" Kibum smiled knowingly and enjoyed the way Jinki swallowed hard.

"I'll call him now and ask him myself" Jinki pulled his phone out of his pocket with one hand and kept the bat up with the other.

And boy did Kibum want to have some fun.

"I wonder" He took a step towards Jinki and he froze, "Why are you so scared of me?" A few more steps, Jinki was visibly scared, "We've only just met, and yet..." Another step and Jinki put his phone back.

"I will use this" Jinki had both hands on the bat again.

"But why? Do you think I'm going to hurt you?" Kibum tested his luck again and smiled, "I don't have a weapon, it wouldn't be a fair fight"

Jinki's phone went off and the two paused at the sound.

"Go ahead, answer it, I'm not going to ambush you" Kibum had a little chuckle in his voice.

Jinki answered the phone and put it on speaker, placing it on a dresser.

"Hello? Jinki?" Minho sounded worried.

"Hey Minho" Jinki responded.

"Why'd you call and then hang up? Are you okay?" Minho asked and Kibum giggled.

"You sound so worried Minho, I don't think I've ever heard you like this" Kibum spoke up and Jinki glared at him.

"I'm fine, but I found Kibum snooping in your room" Jinki answered.

"Help, he thinks I'm a baseball" Kibum laughed and Minho sighed.

"Put down the bat Jinki, I asked him to get something for me" Minho admitted and Jinki sighed in relief.

"I told you" Kibum mocked.

"Get back to work Kibum, you've worried Jinki enough today" Minho ordered and Jinki picked up the phone.

"Really? I thought this was the first time" Kibum smiled and started to walk out of the room, stopping beside Jinki for a second, "And hey, no need to be afraid of me, I'm not as evil as you think I am"

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